สารของแม่พระผู้เห็นอกเห็นใจฯ ไทย English Version (Book Three)

รวมสารการประจักษ์แม่พระที่ลำไทร สามารถแสดงความเห็นได้อย่างสุภาพ และไม่อนุญาตให้ตั้งกระทู้ใด ๆ ในบอร์ดนี้
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 8:32 am

>ใหม่สุดในรูปแบบหนังสือเปิดเป็นหน้าๆ ไทยและอังกฤษ

Dear reader, Mother Mary’s messenger (Nipon/Little Peter) and the translator are not the same person. The translator is a friend of Khun Nipon/Little Peter whom he trusts to translate Mother Mary’s messages as accurately as possible.

The following is Mother Mary’s messenger declaration:
The decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, A.A.S. 58, 1186 (approved by Saint Pope Paul VI on 14 October 1966) states that the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are no longer required on publications that deal with private revelations, provided that they contain nothing contrary to the faith or morals. The author wishes to manifest his unconditional submission to the final and official judgment of the Magisterium of the Church in matter of faith and morals.

Greetings to all of you,

Let all of us thank God, Mother Mary and every kindhearted person who took part in making this book completely successful as in Ecclesiastes, 3:1-11, There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

And so the Compassionate Mother had time to give messages to her children, beginning with Book One. And it is time to end her messages in this book (Book Three).

Thanks to Adelia and Nipon whom the Lord and Mother Mary gave me an opportunity to be their instrument, a middleman, to set up an appointment and introduce both of them to meet, talk, exchange ideas, share experiences and take pictures as a keepsake (as shown here) on February 10, 2011.

Both of them saw Mother Mary and received the messages of the Compassionate Mother at the Holy Family Church at Lamsai. Please read Mother Loves You, Book One and Two, for more details and in order to have all the information and messages.

Adelia was the one who told me that Mother Mary would appear at Lamsai. She saw the appearance of Mother Mary and received her message. She wrote the message in English and gave it to me when I was the pastor of the Holy Family Church at Lamsai in 1988. I translated it to Thai and put it in Book One and Two.

Mother Mary sent Adelia back here again. So I asked Adelia to write something for Book Three. And here it is:

Remember to protect your intellect for the deposit of truth. I am the Mother of the Revelation. I am the most humble servant of God the Father the Almighty.

I am the Mother of the Savior. I am human. I am the only human who has never sinned. I have been taken to heaven and reside with The Holy Trinity; I cannot forgive your sins; I cannot bring the Lord in The Eucharist; I do not have the power of the Priesthood.

I am the Compassionate Mother who represents the undefiled integrity of the human race. I intercede for you in your need and the Lord never denies me.

Adelia Bernard, 10/2/2011, Bangkok

I would like to ask you, after reading the Compassionate Mother’s messages, to put her teaching to use and follow the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians, Chapter 2, 2-4: make my joy complete by being of a single mind, one in love, one in heart and one in mind.

Nothing is to be done out of jealousy or vanity; instead, out of humility of mind everyone should give preference to others, everyone pursuing not selfish interests but those of others.

May God and Mother Mary bless all of you,
Father Joseph Wichitr Likitham
April 12, 2011
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ พฤหัสฯ. ต.ค. 12, 2023 12:27 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 15 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 8:43 am

With All My Love I Have For You
Monday, April 6, 2009, 3:50 – 4:30 a.m.
My dear children, don’t be sad. The last message from Lamsai is not the last message from me because my love and concern for you will never disappear from my heart.

I want all of you to specially prep your minds for this week. Do more cleanup of your shortcomings. Find time to go over your conscience every day in order to search for any fault and quickly fix it.

I still insist that you, sorry to say this, are guilty of sin, if you still latch on to your will and be comfortable with whatever the majority of people choose to do against morality and think it is acceptable at this time and age.

You do not behave properly during this holy week.

Even though nobody knows it, be aware that you are not different from Judas who betrayed My Dearest Son’s love when you receive the Holy Communion with familiarity but without a good preparation of your heart and soul.

Lots of people say there is a decline in morality at this time and age. Not true, dear children. It is because of you who are, at this time and age, slacking off and trying to adjust the moral standard the way you want.

Whatever you think is too hard to do and could not do it, you find an excuse or a change for the convenience and comfort of your own will, following the trend of the world at this time and age.

This is the fruit of evil spirits that are blossoming in your hearts.

There are many hidden dangers for your souls in this time and age’s stuff. They hide without your awareness. They gradually change your point of view to follow them, little by little.

And now there is a big number of you my children who have turned into their instrument without your awareness.

And because of this, shameful sins have happened and to the point that you think it is normal for this time and age. The saddest and most worrisome thing is innocent children who are being lured by adults to be obsessed with sinful activities by using all types of media for their own gain.

Is it true that money is the most valuable item in your life, at this time and age? Do you think it is worth it, if you got all the money but you lost your souls to the evil spirits?

You might receive all the comforts they provide to persuade you, particularly fleshly desires, to make you happier with this stuff more than your eternal life. I don’t think I can let it go. I have to remind you to be aware of the stuff covering your eyes.

My dear children, pay attention to what I told you with all my love I have for you.

May you receive the illumination. Turn your way around. This holy week will mean nothing if you do not convert.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

The Daily Prayer
Sunday, April 19, 2009, 4:18 – 4:40 a.m.
My dear children, thank you for trying constantly to prep your minds to be in the state of readiness during the holy week and all the way up to today to celebrate God’s mercy.

Go over your conscience this morning. If you realize that you have some shortcomings and stains in your hearts, I ask you to hurry up to the confession in order for you to properly participate in celebrating His mercy with bodies and souls.

Don’t worry about your sins that will be forgiven today. Remember the love you will show to Him and others in gratitude of His generosity.

Have you loved Him a tiny bit of His great love for you? Ask your own hearts. If you really love Him, I want you to constantly remind yourselves that your daily prayer is your promise given to Him.

And this is a sacred activity that you should do for thanksgiving and in return of the love of My Dearest Son.

Make this prayer your life and you will understand what true love is.

For the benefit of my dear children, I want you (the messenger) to post the daily prayer of Divine Mercy here for those that don’t know it.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
Daily Prayer ~ to be Merciful
“O Lord. I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living reflection. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart and soul to my neighbor.

Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, but look for what is beautiful in my neighbors’ souls and come to their rescue.

Help me, O Lord, that my ears may be merciful, so that I may give heed to my neighbors’ needs and not be indifferent to their pains and moanings.

Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful, so that I should never speak negatively of my neighbor, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness
for all.

Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful and filled with good deeds, so that I may do only good to my neighbors and take upon myself the more difficult and toilsome tasks.

Help me, O Lord, that my feet may be merciful, so that I may hurry to assist my neighbor, overcoming my own fatigue and weariness.

Help me, O Lord, that my heart may be merciful so that I myself may feel all the sufferings of my neighbor. May Your mercy, O Lord, rest upon me”. Amen.

21st Anniversary of the Appearances
of the Blessed Mother Mary in Thailand
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 2:46-2:59 p.m.
My dear children, I would like to thank you for your good intention to willingly come and gather here in this place. Today is the day of joy for all of you.

I want you to leave all of your bitterness in your heart with me today so you will have a wonderful participation of the Mass with no distraction.

Pay attention to today’s homily which has a food for thought for you to think about and put to good use in your daily life.

If you still do not know how to forgive each other, I want you to forgive and give love to each other with your true feeling from your heart at the Sign of Peace Rite today.

My children, thank you for your kindness.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

In front of Mother Mary’s Grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, April 26, 2009, 3:02-3:26 a.m.
My dear children, the weather is nice at this time. I want to thank you for sacrificing your sleep and fighting to stay awake up to now. It is your good intention to pray together and keep me company until now.

If you came in the afternoon, you probably participated at special Mass celebrating my 21 years of being here with you at this place. I want to thank you all of you for your perseverance and for following me.

21 years is not a small matter. Without love, you would not be able to gather here throughout the years up until now.

Children, do not waste time of each year that had passed you by. What experience have you received to benefit your spiritual life? And what do you already seem to know but fail to put to good use in your real life?

Children, take time to think and go over your conscience. What have you got all of these times? You have heard and been touched by me throughout these times but you still bargain and procrastinate with me up until now.

Do not let my voice be a wind blowing by. You feel good and let it go with no effect on your mind.

The current atmosphere is the result of your prayers answered by heaven. Today your prayers with real love have been answered by those in heaven. However, do you remember what you prayed for today?

Children, after you go home, find time to pray for priests, brothers and sisters. Particularly, pray for the health and welfare of older priests who devoted their lives tirelessly leading the sheep back to the Shepherd for several years.

Children, remember them in your prayers.

Today, just like I told you in the evening, is a time of joy. I bless all of you to live under the will of the Heavenly Father.

Sleep, if you are sleepy. I will keep an eye on you to repay your beautiful gestures that you have always given to me.

Sleep. Sleep in the Heavenly Father’s peace. He is very merciful to you. Do not forget to thank Him with all your heart.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 12:37 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 8:54 am

With Concern
Sunday, May 3, 2009, 5:33-6:15 a.m.
My dear children, sometime in your life you want to know what are you supposed to do next. An answer to yourself.

Before you have arrived to this question, you have been through a lot. Stop and think whether what you are doing now is wrong. If it is wrong, do not continue. It will cause damage.

I want you to accept the truth and learn how to live with it. I have been constantly telling you to live in the present in order for you to make your present the best. It is not for anybody else. It is for your own good.

Today is Sunday. It is the day that you must stop working so you can prep yourself for today Mass. Often, you have been busy with your business, up to the last second, and rushed to be on time for the Mass. You saw the church was full when you arrived.

You found yourself a small corner in the back and unhappily sat there. Your heart and mind did not participate in the Mass. You did not even know what you said when you followed other worshipers’ responses.

Did today’s readings and homily benefit your spiritual life? Your mind was so busy with ongoing and unfinished business stuck in your heart.

I would like to warn you again that you have not examined your conscience even before you received the Communion. You did not realize what you said when you said “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.” You said these words, following others, out of old habit and you did not mean it because you thought you got no sins.

Receiving the Body of Christ was only a complete participation of the Mass. You did not really welcome Him to your body and soul. You were in a big hurry to leave the church, instead of spending a little time to thank Him for giving you a wonderful day, today.

If everything I said is about you, I want you to spend this Sunday think about it hard. How far have you been away from God’s love? Call for His love and peace will exist in your heart.

May Peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Monday, May 11, 2009, 4:30-5:16 a.m.
My dear children, what does my teaching given to you last Sunday affect your participation of Sunday Mass?

I want to thank several of you who realized that you had to go to church early in order to have time to find peace and prepare your mind for the Mass. Whenever you realized that your mind started wondering, you tried to bring it back and follow the Mass progression.

So you start to understand that by opening your heart and mind participating in the Mass to welcome the Lord, you receive lots of blessing and grace. This is the love from the Heavenly Father, prepared for each of you.

Do you start to feel that when you wholeheartedly join the Mass, every word you say has important meaning in your life? Can you feel His presence and realize what it does to your life? Starting from the Penitential Rite, to the Sign of Peace Rite, that you want to give love and peace to each other, and to the Communion Rite, thanking the Heavenly Father for His mercy to allow you to receive the Body of Christ.

I have seen several of you so happy when you received the Communion. Your hearts joyfully welcomed the Lord into your bodies. Know that when you received His body, you were holy by His grace.

But how do you keep your holiness in your daily life? This is the thing you must think about and constantly remind yourself. How do you keep your holiness? How do you go through your daily life without sins? This is the thing you must be very careful in order for your body to be worthy of being His daily dwelling until you receive His body again.

My dear children, everything I told you is up to you to choose from. This is the freedom that the Heavenly Father has given you with His love.

If you are grateful, you will know (by yourself) what to do to show your gratitude for His kindness.

May peace be with you always,
Your Compassionate Mother

I Am Always With You
Sunday, May 17, 2009, 03:35-04:24 a.m.
No matter what happens to you now, gladly accept it. What makes you happy is only a small reward for your hard work and effort you have been doing.

This is only a small reward for you in this world. The happiness you have received is not fame and fortune. It is a peace of mind that could not be bought or exchanged.

Do your best today. Your trust in the Heavenly Father will make you live peacefully according to His will.

For those of you who are having difficulties in your lives and being sick, hold on to your faith. It does not mean God loves you less than others. Take it as a lesson and learn from it.

Do not complain and be hopeless. Even the grain of rice sitting in front of you has been harvested, selected and cooked.

My dear children, nothing is free. You have to earn it. Isn’t anything you easily get usually worthless in the eyes of man?

If you are patient and trust God with all your heart, He will give you better things already prepared for you.

Do not abandon your faith. Do not be angry and blame Him. Be obedient and love Him even more.

When this purification process is over, you, like an ugly butterfly worm, will be transformed into a beautiful butterfly adored by every man.

In this time of your suffering, you have me, your mother, who is always
willing to share the pain and provide comfort to you.

In the midst of your suffering, I, your mother, will always be there with you. I only ask that your heart cries out for me with “Hail Mary”.

With that cry, I will comfort you, be with you and give you encouragement so that everything will be done according to the will of the Heavenly Father who loves you.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Feast of the Ascension
Sunday, May 24, 2009, 3:10-4:20 a.m.
My dear children, today is the feast of Ascension. Have you prepared yourselves? What did the rising to heaven of my Dearest Son teach you? Did you read the gospel in advance in order to fully understand today’s readings and homily?

You told the Lord that you love Him but you did not try to search for Him and truly get to know Him. You will not feel His love until you do so.

How do you feel if there is a person who tells you that he loves you but never tries to get to know you and be close to you, does not even know why today is so special to you, just shows up and takes off right away without congratulating you?

How do you feel if that person shows up just so you can see him, lets you know he is here today without trying to tell you how he feels about you? Do you think he really loves you?

How do you feel if that person tells you that his feeling for you is in his heart, no need for words or actions? Do that person’s chores keep him too busy to have time for you?

If that is the case, I want to know whether you are impressed with his love for you.

I brought these up because you did not make time to get close to my Dearest Son. You always complained that you were busy and did not have time. But you always had time to do whatever you wanted.

You found time to go out, have fun with your family and friends after you were done with your daily chores. You got time to make fun of others. You got time to let yourself go along with all kinds of temptation with no end in sight.

I want to know whether you really did not have time for my Dearest Son.

What does the Ascension mean to you as a Christian? Can you tell me, my children? If you could not give me the answer, pay very close attention today.

Do not let the most important thing for your soul get away without trying to catch it. Every second of your time in this world is valuable. Do not waste your time again, my children.

Come and get to know the mighty love of the Lord. It is the only way that leads you to the eternal life.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 12:42 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 9:07 am

Pray With Me, Your Mother
Sunday, May 31, 2009, 3:03-3:44 a.m.
My dear children, I would like to thank you for sacrificing your sleep to pray with me at this place. It was the right thing to do that you did not rush through your prayers today.

Your day to day business is always a rush to meet the deadline.

When you pray, I am here with you. Not going anywhere.

I have been waiting for you the whole month, hoping that when you come to see me you will pay attention when you pray with me.

Do not forget what I told you. Your prayer must come from your heart. Every word is valuable. If you think about what you pray, your prayer will be much more valuable.

My dear children, when you go home, find a peaceful time to pray just like you did with me at this place. There is no time and space, past and future, only here and now when you pray with me.

I hope you are not in a big hurry to leave me all the time, saying a quick hello and was so fast that some time I could not catch what you said.

Do not force yourself to pray when you are sleepy because you could not control your mind.

How many times did you pray without knowing what you said?

Have a full rest. Find at least 15 minutes a day to be free of your worrisome business in order to have a peace of mind before you pray.

I want you to practice how to control your mind with me before you pray.

Do not rush to pray. If you could not find a peace of mind, find a short hymn that you like and memorize it. Try to fully understand the meaning of it and sing it from your heart. I do not care whether you sing good or bad. I just want to hear you sing from your heart.

Make the hymn a part of you and you will find a peace of mind with me.

After this, you can start your prayer with the same method. Try to fully understand the meaning of the prayer. What does it say? Whom is this prayer for? If you can do this, it will make even your short prayer meaningful to me, better than your hurried prayer to meet your deadline.

I have taken you along with me for quite some time now. I want you to look back to the first day you met me at this place and realize how much I taught you. What have you experienced before you arrived to this day?

Today I let you know how to control your mind. What are you doing now? Is it your true feeling when you are in front of me? I want you to make your choice with your own free will.

Do not worry about your future, if you have total trust in my Dearest Son and the Heavenly Father who is love.

Do not be afraid. Do your best today and the rest is up to God. He will care for each and every one of you accordingly.

With your trust in Him, you will have serenity and peace of mind.

All right, I want you to lead your friends and relatives singing and praying the way I taught you after you have read my message to them in order for them to understand and be able to do it themselves at home.

(Mother Mary later added that the most important step is prepping the mind before praying. One must be at peace, just like prepping one’s mind before going to a Mass).

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Foreword From Me, Your Mother
Sunday, June 7, 2009, 7:25-7:50 p.m.
My dear children, finally, Mother Loves You Book II has been published.

I would like to thank you all of you who have a part making this book possible. Your effort came straight from your heart. And I really appreciate that.

Now, the next step is to distribute the book to the rest of my children who are far away from here and those that have never heard of me so they will know me.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing with their own eyes. I would like to pass on my love, concern and teaching to all of you my children.

After reading the book, practice what I said which is the most important thing I want to see. It is not for anybody else. It is for your own soul.

Today, I am not going to teach you anything new. I want you to carefully go over and review what I have already told you. Do not neglect what I have repeatedly told you, my dear children.

It is useless for you to have my book and you never read it. It is also useless, if you have read it but do not take it seriously and do not practice what I have taught you.

My dear children, do not procrastinate or put off for tomorrow because your tomorrow might never come.

Start doing it now!

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
My Faraway Children
Sunday, June 14, 2009, 4:16-5:28 a.m.
My dear children, I have seen you full of happiness when you received my second book. Do not forget what I told you.

Read and follow my teaching in order to understand the Heavenly Father’s greatest love for you.

You have received the book because of your belief and devotion. Do you realize that you are fortunate than the vast majority of your family and friends?

I hope that you will share the book with your loved ones and recommend them to read it and follow my teaching.

Have you understood, with your heart, what I meant about my faraway children?
Very well, to make it easy for you, I will tell you what I meant about my faraway children.

My faraway children are those who are so far in distance that they have not heard or known anything about me and my teaching.

If you really have true love, please pass it on to my faraway children who are not fortunate enough to know me through the book.

There is also another type of my faraway children that you have not even thought of.

These are the ones who close their hearts and do not listen to my warning and teaching. These are the ones that I am most concerned with.

These are the ones that closest to me but ignore me the most.

My dear children, you have built a big wall and castle surrounding you. And, you are willing to imprison yourself with joy believing that you have chosen what you believe to be the best Christian’s way of life for you. There is no need for you to do more.

Is it not enough to go to church and receive the Communion every Sunday in order to be saved?

Why do you have to listen to my warning and teaching? There is no proof that it is really me. Your Church in Thailand has not yet proclaimed my appearances and accepted my messages.

You got brain and know how to think on your own. You do not want anybody to easily lie to you, isn’t it?

You have been thinking sooner or later the truth will come out. If it is a big lie, you do not have to worry about the accusation because you have disengaged and protected yourself from those whom you believed to be fanatical.

If it is true, you do not lose anything because you can always catch up later.

My dear children, don’t you know that you are my sheep I am most concerned with?

Even though, you are in the same flock, you do not pay attention to my warning. To you, there is no need to follow others because you know there are several ways to lead you to salvation and you have already chosen which one is the best way for you.

My dear children, you probably do not know that with this thought and conviction you are willing to separate yourself from the flock, enticed by the optical illusion in front of you.

Have you not heard my warning or you pretended not to hear it? My dear children, I have been calling and warning you with broken heart every time I saw you walk away from me and out of my sight.

So, these are my children who are so far and away from me that I am most concerned with because they are closest to me but they choose to be farthest away from me.

Let your loved ones join me in praying to the Heavenly Father for His mercy for you.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Technique to Read My Messages
Sunday, June 21, 2009, 4:50-5:35 a.m.
My dear children, I have to teach you again on how to read my messages.

Do not use the way people use to read the news in order to understand my messages. The reason I say this because if you dissect my messages word by word like you read a daily newspaper, you will grossly misunderstand them.

I have seen, and admired, several of you who know how to choose appropriate times to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and to grant you the full understanding before reading my messages.

Whenever you read my message under God’s grace, you will understand it the way I want each of you to understand according to your thought process. This is the way you can feel me.

Often, you feel that I have talked to you directly. And that is correct. Even though, it is the same message, each of you can feel me with different detail.

It is the way I reach your heart and mind through each of your technique.

With this reason, I want you to go back and re-read my previous messages under the Holy Spirit’s guidance and blessing so you will be able to correctly understand them and suitably feel me at those moments of time in your life.

Today I give you an easy technique that you can use.

For you who want something new, fresh and up to date, you may be disappointed not seeing it like the breaking news on a daily newspaper.

But I want to tell you the truth. This is the breaking news, fresh and up to date that you will know only when you put it to work.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 12:47 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 9:22 am

The Three Important Prayers
Sunday, June 28, 2009, 3:02-3:30 a.m.
My dear children, I am glad that you have prepared yourselves well for today praying.
It was right for you to take time to think about the meanings of the three important prayers which consisted of Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Children, try to fully understand them so the next time you pray, your prayer will come from your true feeling and straight from your heart.

Your daily life is so full of confusion that some times when you pray you think about it.

I would like to tell you the truth. It is useless for you to hold the rosary and pray with your mouth but your mind is not there. If you feel that way, stop praying and start to concentrate again.

If you are not ready, do not try to pray meaninglessly like that. I have already taught you how to pray.

Children, now it is your responsibility to put it to use. If you have not used it, it is what you chose to do with your own free will.

Today I want you to go over what you have intentionally done today. Let all of you keep paying attention like you did today and every time you pray in the future. If you paid attention today, you would know that you no longer put a time limit on praying. Everything went accordingly to the Heavenly Father’s will. And you were glad that it went that way.

Do not forget how to pray the three important prayers. You will receive a lot of grace. And your prayers will be heard by the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, you are heading in the right direction. Keep moving forward with conviction and determination.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Pray With Me
Sunday, July 5, 2009, 3:35-4:38 a.m.
My dear children, if you have been paying attention you will know that lately I have been emphasizing how to pray because several of you do not separate the time you pray from human being’s business.

With this reason, I want you to find a good time in each day that you do not have to deal with your business to be at peace and pray with me to renew your spirit.

My dear children, be disciplined because if you keep changing the time to pray at your convenience and procrastinate until you are sleepy and it is time to go to bed, you will skip praying with me.

Being nice to you does not mean that I agree with everything you do. I truly know that people choose what they want to do with their own free will. So I give every one of you my children freedom to choose what to do with your own free will.

A discipline is required in everything you practice.

Children, stay steady in order to improve each day. If you do it well today, do not be careless and procrastinate, OK.

Steadiness and continuity are important, just like a battery being used in an automobile. If today you are fully charged and you stop, your reserved energy will start to decrease. And at the end, if you stop for a long time, there will be nothing left for you.

I say this because you are being careless thinking that it is easy to pray with me anytime you want. So you slack off and pay more attention to human being’s business and forget to do what you are supposed to do.

You forget that praying is a vaccine and being in the state of grace in the middle of temptations by the devil. The beauty and sweetness you see in front of you are not real!

Remember this, my dear children, nothing comes easy to you without your effort. The more difficult for you to get it, the more you treasure it. Isn’t it?

So why do you only stick with the convenience and things in front of you?

I know that some of you fighting me in your hearts. I let you live in the present, which you do, what else do I need from you?

Let me ask you whether this is the best thing for you at your present time? If the answer from your heart is no, I want to ask another question, if you realize that, why don’t you do what is best for you at present time?

My dear children, think about growing plant. You take care of it every day because you expect plenty of fruits from it.

If you got a good seed but neglect it and let it grow by itself without giving it a drop of water, do you think this seed will grow and give you plenty of fruits?

My dear children, think about it with justice in your heart and you will know how much I love you.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Am I an Old-Timer?
Sunday, July 12, 2009, 6:45-7:50 a.m.
My dear children, how are you doing on your discipline in praying?

You might not understand why I keep pushing you to pray with all your heart and soul. Several of you protest and fight me. This kind of praying is for priests, brothers and sisters. You, normal people, have to struggle to make ends meet.

How can you find time for this? Each day of your life is so full with business to be taken care of and almost no time to relax. This kind of prayer is not for you. Of course, priests, brothers and sisters can afford to do it because they have no responsibility other than to pray (Mother Mary points out the thought process of those who do not want to pray).

My children, I admire your effort trying to come up with reasons to counter my teaching. And you do it well. You got good reasons why you do not do it. Human beings always know how to use their brains to take care of them.

Children, so you think I am an old-timer, huh? My teaching is not different from the one given to you in the past (Mother Mary means her teaching at Lourdes, France).

It is a joke for you that I do not know how to improve and adapt to current events, huh?

My dear children, the path to the truth and life under the will of the Heavenly Father is always current.

It is up to you who fail to adapt it to your daily life. You have already decided at the beginning that this kind of prayer is good for those who get ready to go to heaven.
You still have to deal with sins and distractions and could not do it like those who give up this world’s way of life.

My dear children, I want to warn you that you do not love yourselves if you feel and think like this. You are willing to respond to everything coming your way in this world with no time for you to relax. You do not think how much you over spent your body when you are healthy.

Are you satisfied with working to collect only what you can touch?

You even forget to take care of your body because you think it is all right that you are not old. You still have lots of strength at this time.

My dear children, when illness comes, you will ask why God tests you like this? So it is God’s fault that He makes you sick. You know how to find reasons to blame Him. And it makes you feel good that you have been doing all the good things until you have to stop because of Him.

You feel sorry that you do not have time to go back and do those things again. So you pray to Him to give back your health in order for you to be able to go back and finish unfinished business.

Even your promise given to Him is only to allow you to go back and be able to do your job perfectly.

How many of you that go over mistakes you might have made that have an impact on you at present time and you have never thought to correct?

Your illness is a warning to you that you have not taken care of your body the way you should and the worst is you did not find time to take care of your spiritual life.

I want to apologize if I hurt your feeling. If I do not tell you the truth, who will?

Today I want you to think whether you love yourself. Have you been taking a good care of your body and soul?

I want to tell you the truth that you do not love yourself if you neglect to do either one of them or both of them. And how will you love others?

(Mother Mary cares about her children’s feeling. She knows what she said today might be too much for several of them, so she stopped.)

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Mask of Pretension
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 3:47-5:44 a.m.
My dear children, I have no intention to make you worry with what I told you. I know that sometimes the truth can hurt your feeling. You might feel good now if I let it go without acknowledging it, but in the end it might be too late for you. Would you like me to act like that?

I want all of you to stop and think what is the cause of confusion and difficulty in your lives? If you think about it with justice in your heart, you will know that everything comes from pretension to please human being’s heart.

The pretension might please you but it is not guaranteed to always please others. So I want you to know the fact and go back to the simplicity of life.

Let everything comes from your love and good will from your heart. Don’t you think that everything comes from your heart is worth more than beautiful words but lack true feeling?

So I want you to take off the mask of pretension because you might be able to lie to others but you could not lie to yourself. With this reason, I want you to think again about the prayers you have been using all the time.

What is the core of a prayer, stripping off the bells and whistles? Try to let your heart feel it. Your understanding must be number one priority. Do you think the person you pray to will understand your feeling if you pray without knowing the true meaning of it?

You will be able to communicate with true feeling from your heart when you understand the meaning of it. And at that time you do not have to worry about the words from the prayer.

Everything comes from your heart is good enough.

This is the simplicity that I want you to know because your daily life is already surrounded with plenty of pretension. I want you to take off the mask of pretension when you pray with me and come to me with your heart.

I do not see only the beautiful exterior.

So, my children, do not worry about your impurity and shortcoming. I see through to your heart. All of the beauty depends on your true feeling.

The simpler you are with me, the more I can see the beauty in your heart.

During this week, I want you to strip off the bells and whistles and return to simplicity when you pray with me. I know that you have questions in your heart because there are several prayers you have chosen on your own.

So now you start to get confused about what you have to pray, for how much and how. See, your mind is being confused by the bells and whistles. Not being calm and peaceful as you thought you are.

All right, my children, I will ease your mind. During this week, I want you to take off the mask of pretension and return to simplicity every time you pray Hail Mary with me.

I want you to understand the meaning of this prayer so when you talk to me with this prayer, it will be a conversation from your true feeling to me, your mother.

My dear children, I want to hear this from you for a long time. You are not in a hurry when you to talk to me, huh? I am also not in a hurry when I talk to you. I want every one of you to feel my love by using this prayer as a communication tool to me.

So when you finish this prayer, I want you to stop the clock for a moment so you can be alone with me and tell me what is in your heart.

Staying still with me is the most important time of your prayer.

Now that you know, you are not going to be in a hurry to say hello to me and quickly leave. I am not only the statue you erected to pay homage to. Our relationship is far more than that.

Can you stay with me a little longer to make me happy?

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 12:52 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 9:54 am

The Meaning of My Appearances
Sunday, July 26, 2009, 3:04-3:48 a.m.
My dear children, today I would like to welcome all of you who just joined me in praying for the first time. Do not be surprised. Everything that happened today is not an accident.

Everything happens according to the will of the Heavenly Father at proper time.

Today is the time that you must come to this place so everything will be done according to His will.

I have been here with you until you get used to me now. Is there anyone of you who really knows my name used at this place? Because of the Heavenly Father’s kindness, I have been allowed to spend time at this place in the midst of all of you my Thai children.

I am the mother of every one of you. I understand you because I know you well. And that is why I chose the name Compassionate Mother. I want you to know that you can always depend on me if you trust me and do what I have been teaching you.

Presently, there are several of you who felt me and came to me with questions stuck in your hearts.

Today I have thoroughly answered questions from several of you. I revealed things to you today because I understood your feeling and felt sorry for you. But it does not mean that you will use my messenger as the middleman on every occasion.

Today’s event happened according to the will of the Heavenly Father who allowed it to happen at proper time.

I want to pass the word to my children who do not have the chance to be here with me tonight at this place: Praying from your heart is very important at this time and age.

Return to simplicity when you are in front of the Heavenly Father. Pray with true love for your friends and families, even though some of them might have hurt your feeling.

True love must not be selfish, always wants to give the best to others without expecting any profit and reward. If you can do this, peace and tranquility will happen in your heart.

Just like I taught several of you my children that you could not change the whole world to please you.

The easier thing for you to do is to change yourself. Knowing how to accept the truth and have justice in your heart will truly make you happy.

Today you might not understand what I said. But go back and think about it and you will know that true peace and tranquility begin in your heart first and they will slowly spread out to those who are close to you.

Currently, you have several hot issues. How are you going to live in this society if there is no peace in your heart?

Pray in order to know more about yourself. Pray in order to know how to spread love and kindness. Pray in order to have spiritual strength and understand the cause of the problems.

My dear children, even with a short prayer comes from your heart has great value. So why are you so stringy with your time when you pray but have plenty of time for things that cause you to suffer?

That is all I want to say today.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Do Not Be Careless
Wednesday, August 19, 2009: 4:48-5:49 a.m.
My dear children, it has been a long time since I let you review and think about your spiritual life and what I have been teaching you. Have you seen the benefits of them?

Be honest with yourself because you are the best person who knows how much you have improved or still stay in the same place.

Free will belongs to you. Even though I have told you how to do your best at present, it is still up to you.

You might not see the benefits of it at this time because you look at others and see them being happy and able to do whatever they want. Why do you have to suffer and struggle to control yourself to please me?

I want to tell you the truth that you are being trapped by the devil if you, my dear children, think like that. I do not teach you for my own benefits. It is all about the benefits of your soul.

Let you have justice in your heart for me. Every day I suffer when I see you commit sins. Don’t you know that everything you do I see it from a distance, to give you freedom of choices? There is a mark in my heart every time you commit a sin.

My children, you do not realize how much I suffer. Children, ask your own heart.
What have you done today to please me? What have you done today to please yourself? Do not be careless, my dear children.

All of what you do today will intertwine with you in the future. You will never know how many days you have left to travel on this world.

I want you to constantly remind yourself that if there was no tomorrow, would you be ready to see the Heavenly Father? What have you prepared to offer to Him?

Today I did not teach anything new to you except to warn you of what you have been doing at present time, because all these things will be your witness when your trip on this world is over.

Do not be careless, my dear children.

You do not have to do it to please me. Do it for your own eternal life.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Justice in the Heart
Sunday, August 23, 2009, 7:19-8:11 a.m.
My dear children, today I want to give encouragement to every one of you who has been fighting the devil’s temptations and traps.

Today is Sunday. I want you to fully use your privilege as the children of the Heavenly Father. Today is the day you make up with Him. Even though, for the past six days you might upset Him and made Him feel bad about you.

But today I want you to let go of everything. Stay still with Him and review your conscience with great care so you will be ready to sincerely apologize to Him in order for you to deservedly be close to Him when you receive the Holy Communion.

Today is the day of joy for you to be close to Him. Always remember what you want to do first and last if today is your last day. Do not get stuck with this world’s stuff because this world is only a temporary place for you.

Do not be scared and think I am telling you the incoming justice of the Heavenly Father which you think is coming. I want to tell you the truth that His justice is always at present time.

Every day is also His Justice. That is why I warn you to remember and always be prepared. Children, you do not have to wait for His justice. I want you to ask yourself how much justice you had for Him for the past six days.

How big was the space you had for Him in your heart in each day? Even today, His day, you still take away the time from Him to conduct human businesses. Do you have justice for Him before you ask for His justice?

Justice must be sought in your heart first. Why are you so afraid of His justice if you have justice in your heart? With this reason, I want to tell you the truth that His justice begins in your heart first.

Do you have justice for yourself, your friends, your relatives and Him? You should know, my dear children.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

How to Ask For the Blessing
In front of Mother Mary’s Grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, August 30, 2009, 3:05-3:32 a.m.
Mother Mary’s messenger: Today’s message from Mother Mary might be difficult to understand for those that were not there. I would like to explain the origin of the message so everyone will truly understand it the way Mother Mary wanted.

At 3:00 p.m., Saturday, August 29, 2009, I joined and prayed with the pilgrims from Ratchaburi and Chantaburi. Everyone willingly prayed in front of Mother Mary’s grotto, even though, it was hot.

While we were praying the Divine Mercy, I saw the grotto transformed into something like a three- dimensional picture. The old statue of Mother Mary changed into a fresh one, particularly Mother Mary’s beautiful face which looked real and alive.

I had the feeling that Mother Mary wanted to tell us something special. Usually, we asked for the blessing after we finished praying every time but today I felt that I must read the messages received from Mother Mary during this month before asking for the blessing.

The messages are The Meaning of My Appearances, Justice in the Heart (God’s justice is here today), Do not Be Careless and particularly message that warns about asking for the blessing because conversion of heart is the most important thing.

If someone came because he or she wanted to feel the blessing but still went back to the old way, not making himself or herself holy enough so his or her soul turned into the container to receive the blessing, that person would not be able to keep the blessing.

The most frightening thing is coming to ask for the blessing with an empty heart. No God in the heart but came because it is an old habit.

Today Mother Mary wanted me to remind everyone that She would teach us how to ask for the blessing so that every one of us would correctly understand and put it to use anywhere.

So today I told everyone to prep himself by using the technique of praying in order to clean our hearts and souls. Remind ourselves that God and Mother Mary dwell in our hearts and souls so everything we will do we do with Them.

When we are close to God, the blessing will come to us if we behave appropriately.

Mother Mary taught us to help ourselves so we are not the persons waiting for the blessing only. Even thought, there was no feeling of the blessing by the body, everyone stayed still. But, I believed that everyone who was there has been touched by the blessing in his or her heart and soul.

Several of our friends had to leave, did not pray with us in front of the grotto tonight.

After the Mass and before we prayed the Divine Mercy asking for blessing of the sick, I, once again, went over the technique of how to pray and prep the mind because some of our friends just arrived after sunset and did not practice the technique of asking for the blessing.

When we gathered to pray the Divine Mercy asking for the blessing with faith and confidence, we felt the blessing coming out from the statue of Lord Jesus spreading to every one of us.

I felt comfortably weightless and wanted to sleep in His blessing. Several people said that when they received the blessing there was an energy radiating heat getting inside their bodies. They could feel it.

For some of them that did not feel anything, I told them not to feel bad. Today might not be their time because of the difference in their components of their makeup.

They might not be ready to receive the blessing today but it did not mean that God did not have mercy for them. For them to be here today was a blessing because few had a chance to know how to prep their hearts and souls to ask for the blessing by themselves.

They should be happy to be here today.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 12:57 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 10:41 am

Mother Mary’s Message
My dear children, how is your practice today? I saw the good intention from each one of you. Thank you for being generous to accept and understand what you have heard today. It is the right thing to do.

The best person to receive the blessing must convert and ready to correct the mistakes to the Heavenly Father and has confidence in His will.

You must be fully prepared to ask for the blessing yourself. It is the right thing to do. There is no other short cut except starting from you.

Those that came to see me this evening will receive a lot of benefits because they have practiced the technique to prep their hearts and souls, which is the foundation of praying , and adapt it to prep their hearts and souls to be holy, deservedly to be the dwelling place of the Heavenly Father.

When you cleanse your heart and soul, do not forget to apologize to the Heavenly Father for not preparing your heart and soul to deservedly be His dwelling place. It is enough for Him to have mercy with love and goodwill for you when you let Him know that you are sorry.

Today have you not seen that the true asking for the blessing must start from you? There must be a true conversion and strong desire to avoid the temptation of sins. And you must do it yourself, not only waiting for the blessing from Him.

Everything that happened today was His willing. Everything accordingly happened like that. Let all of you, my dear children, remember this experience. Remember the blessing stays with only those who behave appropriately.

Remember the experience you received today when you arrive at your home. When you have time, practice it at home. In the future, the blessing will pour to you when you have prepared well and are holy enough.

Be proud. Everything you learned from here is not for anybody else but for you who can practice and know how to properly prepare to receive the blessing for yourselves.

Today I want to give encouragement to every one of you my children if you practice and be a good container to receive the blessing. The blessing will pour to you every time you ask, no matter where you are.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

What Is Praying?
Sunday, September 13, 2009, 5:55-6:52 a.m.
My dear children, I hope now you understand how to pray from your real hearts because praying is a conversation between you and the Lord of love, Heavenly Father, my Dearest Son and Holy Spirit. Your one and true God.

It is a conversation with love and goodwill. Hopefully, you do not limit your prayer to only memorization, in a hurry like an old habit.

Children, think about it. The sweet words will not be able to stay in your hearts, just like one of your most cherished friends and relatives who has a conversation with you the way you pray in a hurry, even though, he tells you he loves and cares about you very much.

He does not even wait for your answer and leaves in a hurry without giving you a chance to say a word because all of his words come from memorization, lacking of the true feeling and ending in a hurry only for the sake of getting it done.

I hope you understand your friend and relative, with justice in your hearts. He might be in a hurry today but one of these days he will come to you and have a conversation with you with true feeling.

Children, think about it. How often do you finish your prayer by asking for everything to be done the way you want? And you expect me to get everything done the way you want. You do not even understand your own prayer.

What is the meaning of the prayer? And what is it for? Children, you must open your hearts in order for your prayer to be full with loving care.

Are you afraid that you might forget the words of what you want to communicate with me so you must say to me in a hurry? My dear children, think about it. Have you ever given me a chance to talk to you?

You want me to answer your prayers but you have never given me a chance to talk to you. How often do you complain that you have never heard my voice?

Dear children, I have been trying very hard to communicate with you by every mean, even though, you have not opened your hearts to me with true feeling.

Dear children, do you only want to hear my voice with your ears? My dear children, if you understand what I told you, you would give me a chance to talk to you the next time you pray because praying is the time for you and me, together, to feel the love and goodwill.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Giving Comfort to the King
Sunday, September 20, 2009, 5:34-6:44 a.m.
My dear children, now you must see the confusion in your country.

Do you know why there is no ending to the confusion? Nowadays, the media shows that the action of the majority is right.

If there is something disagreeable with their hearts, they use their hearts to judge others and force them to accept what they want with no regard to the effect that will have on themselves and general public.

And everyone will claim that there will be some damage. But, for the good of everyone, the decision has been made, replacing the rightful authority.
He sees only skin deep and does not care about the great damage caused by his inability to see with unjust heart.

There are plenty of examples of those who seek wrongful power. Is it normal for you, children?

You have been at peace and tranquility for so long because you held on to your king as your rally point.

Why do you abandon him now? I am very sad. If you look deep into the problem, you will see these.

What is the cause? How do greed and power hunger come about? And why was everyone so easy to go along with the plan, abandoning their careers which are the most important thing to support their families? Why do they abandon their families to go along with the plan?

Those who deny the Heavenly Father’s love will never know true love. It is not necessary to be Christian in order to know this love because His love is also the key component in every religion. When you deny His love, you should know very well what will take its place.

It is frightening if you know what influence is behind these confusions. Sweet words and optical illusion that make people seeking is a trap from the eternal darkness.
Are you willing to let your homeland fall in the shadow of darkness?

Even though, Christians are the minority in this country, you can join and show the power of sacred act to give comfort to your king.

Children, remind yourselves all the time that you must not judge others because you do not have the rightful authority. Hurry up to show your right as the princes and little princesses of Him for your homeland so peace and tranquility will happen in people’s hearts.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

A Remark by Mother Mary’s Messenger:

Mother Mary gave me this message before I was aware of the King’s illness.

And when I went to a Sunday Mass on September 20, 2009, Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, I heard Saint James 3:16-4:3 at Reading II.

Beloved: Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.

Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members? You covet but do not possess. You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war. You do not possess because you do not ask. You ask but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

Prepping Your Mind for the Contemplative Prayer
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, September 27, 2009, 3:07-3:35 a.m.
My dear children, today is really the day of joy. Everything for today has been waiting for the right moment, according to the Heavenly Father’s will. The Heavenly Father granted this special occasion to every one of you.

If you have been here since evening, you would have felt His presence. What you learned today is the gift from high above, directly from heaven.

You should be grateful to Him who had mercy for you today. He really emphasized the importance of prepping your mind and soul.

Now you should realize that being a good container was not written just to trick human beings. Today you have proved that you could make it real in your daily life. It is up to you to choose whether to do it or not.

Going over your conscience with attention to detail will help you clearly see your mistakes and flaws. And you are truly sorry in order to apologize and ask Him to clean you from all sins.

He taught you with the simple technique, easy to understand.

If today is the day you have to return everything to him, look back to your past, from early memory up to now.

What mistakes have you made with your thought, your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth, your tongue, hands, feet and finally your heart?

He wanted you to see and understand so you would be well prepared to ask for cleansing from Him, not because of being afraid of His punishment but to have a chance to enjoy His glory and might with love for Him and joyful heart.

He taught you to remember His presence in you so you no longer feel lonely, because in every thought and activity you will do it together with Him.

Today He also taught you to understand contemplative meditation,
which when you heard the name you were already confused and did not know what it meant.

Today you had a chance to participate in the events of your prayers, as if you were really participated in those events. It made you to have a better understanding. Your praying is no longer memorizing when you use your heart to pray.

Today I do not have to tell you how pleased I am with what you have done because all of you who are here fully realize that.

I hope that when you go home you will always remember this joy. Let all of you my dear children hurry to put it to use.

The blessing is a gift from heaven, waiting in front of you. It is up to you whether to reach for it or not. Everything depends on your own decision.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:04 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 10:57 am

The Fact of Life
Sunday, October 4, 2009, 6:55-8:00 a.m.
My dear children, I have been closely watching you each day, each hour and each minute.

My children, how much do you understand the fact of your life? How do you realize your present? Look at it thoroughly. What is happening around you at present? Have you realized and prepared yourself for it?

Trust only is not enough, my children, if you do not know how to search for the true path of salvation. The person who tries first to help himself deserves to be helped. Do not let the misunderstood trust make you careless and miss the most important chance of your life. If that happens, you do not even love yourself.

How often are you like a patient who only hopes to be cured but denies the doctor’s treatment procedure? You refuse to put in the effort to grow plant but expect only the beautiful result of the harvest.

You save time in everything you do. You try to search for short cut that requires no effort so you will have enough time to do whatever you want, huh?

I tell you the truth: If you do like this, you do not love yourself. And, how are you going to love others like you love yourself?

Today, I want you to stop and think and go over your conscience in detail. Do not skip anything that you think is a small matter to you. All of these small matters when collected will have more weight than the mistake you see.

What have you neglected to do to benefit your growth as a Christian throughout last week, in each day, each hour and each minute? Do not, again, believe when the devil says that is what everybody has been doing.

Would you choose to be dirty if throwing mud at each other is just and in order to be like others? This is the fact of your inner life that you are trying to deny.

Have you not realized why you have been indifferent and being more so every day?

You wish everyone gives in to everything you want so you will be happy. You are asking for what you do not have in your heart. How did you overlook this important fact?

My dear children, realize the fact of life that you have been denying every day. Stop and go over your conscience. By the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, which will give you knowledge, you will know that at this moment how far you have been out of the path that leads us to our real home.

Stop and think about it.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Darkness in the Light
Monday, October 12, 2009, 3:42-5:23 a.m.
My dear children, you might be surprised why lately I have been concentrating on taking care of your spirit and soul even though you are not a priest, brother and nun.

I would like to tell you the truth: The fact of life is not only for priests, brothers and nuns but it is the path of truth of your life that you have been seeking for and hoping to harvest only the beautiful result.

Children, think about it. What is the impact you have felt from the current events happening around you? Every kind of disaster is moving toward you. Even though you might not receive the direct impact, it still has a ripple effect putting you under tremendous pressure.

Does it make you selfish and wish only to rake in more benefit for yourself? Have you felt the void in your heart, coarseness and the fleshly desire which frighteningly reduce the value of being a human? These events happened over and over. And, at this moment you only think of your own survival.

You are only concerned with your body, abandoning the survival of your soul and eternal life.

Have you realized that today the darkness has covered everywhere? The light of the day and the color of the night have been completely covered with darkness.

You are getting used to this new environment. And, in the end you will adapt in order to survive in this darkness, even though there is still sun ray.

You refuse to accept the light that is trying to shine into your heart but you welcome the darkness in order to be like others.

My dear children, these are the important cause of the disasters in the past. History is repeating itself. This history is the present in front of you. If you do not realize the fact, this disaster will happen at the center of your heart.

If you could not survive, what else will be left? With this reason, I have been warning you over and over so one day you will absorb my voice into your heart.

My dear children, realize the fact. When this darkness goes away, the light of the glory will conquer all the shadows.

Let yourself be a small candle, trying to shine in the dark. So, when the light of the glory arrives you will not be destroyed like all the shadows. And, this is the fact of life.

It is not the punishment from the Heavenly Father because He is the Creator not destroyer.

Let all of you my children think hard about it because if you use your brain like human try to understand what I told you, you will be full of horror and try to seek shelter from the disaster that you expect to hit you.

Will you seek a hiding place in the dark to make you feel safe? My dear children, when the light of His glory and might arrives there will be no more shadow to be seen on this earth. Are you not joyful?

My dear children, first, ask for the light from the Holy Spirit to have mercy to open your heart and mind so you will thoroughly understand what I told you.

This month is the month of the Holy Rosary. I would like to ask you to compose love and good will in each bead of the rosary. It is not for my satisfaction. It is for you who will be the small light shining in this world.

And, this is the most treasured gift that you can give and pay homage to the Heavenly Father from your own heart.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Saturday, October 24, 2009, 2:37 – 4:10 a.m.
My dear children, the reason I had to give you this message in advance is because my son the messenger could not join you here tonight.

Illness is normal for human beings. And this is the alarm for you to realize that you have to always take care of your health. Do not ignore it because your body is the dwelling place of the Heavenly Father. If you do not take care of it, it is like a damaged temple that could not be used.

My dear children, have you seen now that this son of mine is only a human being who has strength and weakness like you?

Today I have to bring this error to remind every one of you, my children, that you must first know how to love yourself because if you could not help yourself how could you help others?

Thinking about others’ happiness and wellbeing before oneself is praise worthy, abandoning your need for them. But it must be in moderation and balance in order for you to have strength to love yourself and others for a long time.

So with this reason, I will keep him for a while in order for him to recuperate before coming back to exert great effort for you again, which is very nice of him to willingly do it for all of you.

Your body is like an automobile. When there is a problem, you must find the real cause to fix it. I had to give him plenty of time in order for him to surrender and accept the fact that he could not come to Lamsai this time.

He now accepted the fact that he could not always be with you. Your unwavering faith made you come here tonight.

My dear children, I have seen your progression. Starting from when you first willingly to come and pray with me alone.

I have seen your good intention in praying even though you did not understand the real meaning of praying. I am very pleased with this goodwill.

Later on, I chose one of you to be my messenger. Do you know what I have been teaching you for the past several years? At present, there are two published books of the messages I gave you. You all have the knowledge and facts in your hands.

I got to tell you the truth: you are still weak in practice. I have to apologize if telling you the truth hurt your feeling. My dear children, if I don’t tell you, who else will?

What I told you does not mean to criticize and discourage you but to give you encouragement and help you reach the finishing line that you want.

Come on, my dear children. I have taught you how to find big fish to make a living. Keep practicing until you can make a living and then pass your experience to those who search for it.

During the last week of the Holy Rosary Month, I want you to go over your conscience more in order for you to present love and goodwill to each other, especially for your king who is most loved by every Thai people.

Pray special prayer for priests, shepherding the herd with difficulty at this time and age that advances in technology but falls flat on morality.

I would like to offer poor people, those who experience weakness of the flesh, those who abandon faith, those who still do not know God and poor souls in your prayer.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Cloth of Your Soul
Sunday, November 1, 2009, 00.04 – 01.15 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: Today is All Saints’ Day. Mother Mary taught us that we can live like those saints, meaning we have to live in the Heavenly Father’s love and do good deeds like we are trying hard to knit a beautiful cape to wear for the day we have to see the Heavenly Father.

For someone that has been doing good deeds all along, the cape will have a beautiful intricacy. It will shine and make those in heaven joyful. For someone that has been doing a little of good deeds, there might be a tiny bit of cloth that could not cover his body.

And for someone that has never done good deeds, when he died his soul will look disgustingly. So all of you should not be careless. And do not wait to choose to do good deeds only in the month of the Holy Rosary. You can do good deeds every day.

Today you are lucky that you had a chance to do good deeds. But how do you know how long you will live? You might not finish knitting your cape.

There might not be a tomorrow for you.

Mother Mary wants you to realize that whatever you decide to do with your own free will has a consequence that you can see and there might be a consequence beyond your human imagination.)

My dear children, I would like to thank every one of you for doing exceptionally good deeds throughout the month of the Holy Rosary that just went by.

What I see in your heart are love and goodwill which you tried to do more or less according to your devotion of each day. This is the most valuable gift from you to me. Whatever you do with your beautiful heart is not only valuable to me. It is also a beautiful cloth that you have been paying attend to knit to cover your soul. See how beautiful it is.

I know that you are talking to yourself that you could not see this cloth. Some of you say you see only a tiny piece of cloth.

My dear children, do not look with human eyes like others who expect to see only what is in front of them.

Use the heart of your soul to feel it. You will see the worthiness of your good deeds, done more or less, shining.

I know that you are saying if you knew like this you would have paid more attention. But with the limit of one month, that is all you could do.

My dear children, there is a cause and effect for everything. You make more, get more. You make less, get less. And this cloth you must knit throughout your life. That is why I keep telling you not to be careless, right?

Have you done your best today? And have you done your best this hour? Every minute you do good deed, you knit the cloth.

Some people, when they died, did not even have a tiny bit of this cloth.

Some of them have a tiny bit of cloth the size of a palm, could not cover their souls when they are in front of the Heavenly Father.

Ask yourself right now, right this second, how far you have knitted your cloth.

You must feel regretfully for the time that you have not paid attention to knit, right?
Everything depends on your decision. And when you have chosen, you must accept the consequence, both you can and cannot see.

Be aware and really think about it. At the time that you still have a good chance, what do you choose to do?

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:08 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 11:16 am

What Does Death Teach You?
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 11:47 – 1:13 a.m.
Days, months and years passed by so fast, my dear children. Today is another day that has arrived for you to remember your relatives and loved ones who passed away.

Death is not the end of everything but it is the beginning of your new life. And that is eternal life. How much do you understand today’s liturgy?

Why did you have to gather at the cemetery on the weekend instead of going somewhere to relax after a weeklong work? You saw big and small crowd gathering at the burial sites to pray. And some burial sites did not have even a single person to pray there.

What do these scenes remind you of? Why are several priests hearing confessions and saying Holy Mass today?

I want you to ask yourselves what made you decide to think and go there today. Why did you go there? And are there any activities you expect to do today as an incentive?

Some of you thought where you would go to enjoy yourselves after this.Some of you thought of the restaurants with delicious food next where you wanted to go. Some of you thought of the gifts that you would buy for your relatives and loved ones.

I saw only very few of you, my children, that have been prepared your minds well, arrived long before the Mass in order for you to rest and go over your conscience and truly remembered those who died.

Think about it. If you were those who died, what would you feel that once a year your relatives and loved ones come to visit your burial site and they just come to meet and talk to relatives and acquaintances they seldom saw?

How sad is it that so few of them really come to visit you? What is the benefit of bringing flowers to beautifully decorate the place and in a few hours the flowers will wilt because of the heat of the sun?

These flowers could not save your souls but people seem to pay more attention to them.

Wherever there is a beautiful decoration of flowers, several people want to copy it next year so the burial site will impress those who are alive and do not emphasize helping you with the salvation of your soul which you have been eagerly hoping for.

Your death, doesn’t the atmosphere among the dead warn you to be aware of the fact of life that one day it will be your turn too?

What have you been preparing for this event? How are you going to spend the rest of your time to most benefit yourselves, your loved ones and save those poor souls to return to your real home for eternity?

Be aware, my dear children, what have you learned from participating in this Mass in memory of the dead? What does death teach you? And what have you prepared to accept death when it arrives without your awareness?

Do not be afraid of death, my dear children. I too had to pass this world.

Death is the fact of life that every one of you must face. Keep making today your best and remind yourselves constantly what you will do when death comes to visit you.

At the time of your life and death, you must gladly accept the will of the Heavenly Father instead of fighting death, pleading and swearing in order to extend your lives.

How could your minds find peace and tranquility at that time when you only think about your own survival? And at that particular time, you do not have God in your hearts.

It is a very frightening thing if you do not call out for God, then to whom you are bargaining with.

I love you very much.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

My Children
Sunday, November 15, 2009, 1:33 – 3:38 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger,” Today is Human Rights Day. Mother reminded us to realize that our lives are so full of luxurious stuff that we do not need.

She asked us to think about those who are poor and hungry and those who have not received justice in society. The leftover from our wastefulness, when it is collected, is valuable enough to save several people.

When we receive love and kindness from the Heavenly Father, we must learn how to pass this love to others in order to be called His real children.

Hopefully, we still remember that on December 14, 2008 Mother Mary taught us, her children, to make the “box of love” preparing it as a gift to Baby Jesus.

Today Mother Mary told us to return to simplicity. Choose to eat only what is necessary for our bodies in order to save money, from skipping the luxury, and put it in the “box of love” again for the poor and hungry and those who have not received justice in society.

It will be a very special gift from our hearts to honor Baby Jesus who was born in the midst of poverty.

Today Mother Mary taught us with the prayer, memorized by all of us, “Give us this day our daily bread.” How do we understand it?

Mother Mary also left a question for us to think. What kinds of food does the Heavenly Father give us in addition to the food we can eat and touch? Mother was always nice to us when she taught us.

Mother is the best example of obedience and humbleness. When she taught us about our behavior, she used “My children” instead of why don’t you grow up and act like an adult. And you are still being selfish.”)

My dear children, I heard you asking me in your minds why at present time I do not warn you about the situation in your homeland and disasters happening around the world.

My dear children, I am not a fortune teller. The stuffs I told you in the past did not change you much. You just got excited with what you wanted to know ahead of other people. And you are still used to your old habit and way of life.

Now you are interested in the prediction by human beings who started to talk about the event that will happen next year. And you are waiting to hear what I will say about it, isn’t that right?

My children, your thought is like baby’s, regardless of your age. You just only want to hear from me which event will affect you, right? If I tell you, like the fortune tellers did, you will believe they told you the truth because I even came out and vouched for it.

You give more weight to the prediction by human beings than my warning, isn’t that right? If I back up those predictions, you, my children, would be so frightened and felt hopeless because what human beings told you was so frightening.

My dear children, you are so young. Your fear is only temporary and for a short time. Soon you go back and play happily like before, completely forgetting about it.

My dear children, you are being careless if you behave like a child who enjoys playing from day to day like this. I know that several of you protest me in your minds that my Dearest Son told you to be like children when you come to him. Why did I tell you not to behave like children?

My children, you are so smart to get back at me with this innocent question. This is the nature of human beings, born with it. You pick and choose only what is good for you.

So today let me ask you to try to answer the question yourselves. If you were me, how would you answer the question? I hope you know me well. Use my obedience and humbleness.

And you will know how I would answer the question.

My dear children, do not give the importance to what you expect will happen tomorrow. If you have been following my teaching, you will thoroughly understand the importance of your present.

Have you completely prepared in every aspect of every second of your present?

Have you made today, this hour and this second most beneficial for your body and soul? How does the Heavenly Father’s mercy in allowing you to live, still breathing, remind you to live a holy life?

Do you appreciate and understand the prayer you say every day, “Give us this day our daily bread”, when He prepares for you your daily meals with infinite love? If you think like a child, you will see only what you can touch.

As His children, what are you supposed to do? My children, you do not even fully understand the meaning of thanksgiving for each of your meal. You are luckier than a lot of people that you still have this meal.

How often do you choose nice and expensive food and eat more than your body needs in your life? How much does your leftover that you have to throw away from each meal, if you think in term of money, can be used to help the hungry?

I want you to go back to simplicity, being humble and eat only what your body needs instead of those extremely delicious and expensive foods. You can save money from your wastefulness and give life to many of the hungry.

If you learn how to do this, you will understand, up to another level, the meaning of love that the Heavenly Father gives to you at each meal. You learn how to accept His love.
And you must learn how to pass this love to others who are your brothers and sisters in heaven.

Today you might not know each other but in the kingdom of heaven those people themselves will come and thank you as one of your brother and sister. At that time, there will be only joy.

I would like to leave you my parting question. Besides food that you see and touch in your daily life, are there another kinds of food that He lovingly gives you each day? Do not be in a hurry to answer me, my children. Contemplate with my obedience and humbleness, and you will know what I mean.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Saturday, November 21, 2009, 11:39 P.M. – 12:15 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: Today is a special occasion that Mother Mary’s children came to pray together in front of Mother Mary’s grotto at Lamsai.

So Mother gave a message to every one of us, reminding us that praying with scattering mind could not change our lives as well as paying attention while we pray which will make us understand the true meaning of praying.)

My dear children, I would like to thank every one of you who gave up your time to come and pray with me today. There is nothing better than praying for your families and friends because you have love and goodwill for them.

I want you to start your praying today by asking the Holy Spirit for illumination. Ask Him to open your mind in order for today’s gathering in praying will have the meaning every one of you wants.

Stay still with Him for awhile. After that, do not forget to give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for letting you live quite well today. There is no better prayer than “Our Father”. Be attentive of every word of it because I will join you in praising Him.

When you stay still and dwell in His love, you will feel His love and be totally immersed in it. Do not be in a hurry.

The next prayer is the one that all of you have memorized. I want you to be aware that you are in front of me. “Hail Mary” will not mean anything to me if your mind is so occupied with other stuff while you say it.

If you could not concentrate at that moment, go back and start over again. It is useless to force yourself to pray when you do not have me in your heart.

The last prayer for you today is the shortest one but the most important one. I saw the majority of you quickly prayed this prayer and finished it without realizing the most important meaning of it.

Today I want you to give a special significance to this prayer. You will understand the deep meaning of “Glory Be” only when you use Contemplative Prayer (meditating and contemplating).

I hope that these three prayers are not too much for you. I believe that all of you can do it.

If you do what I taught, you will see the value of praying these three fundamental prayers on how much they can change your life.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

The Poor Who Need Compassion
Saturday, November 28, 2009, 5:15 – 7:10 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: Today is the last Saturday of the month that Mother Mary’s children came together to pray in front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai.

I was not in good health as I should be. I was not sure whether I would be able to join them in praying until morning. Mother Mary gave this message in advance to warn every one of her children).

My dear children, you might be surprised that I gave the message in advance, before 3:00 a.m. My messenger’s health is still not that good, not ready to exert himself like before. Even though he wanted to stay with you until dawn, I would not let him until his body is ready for the hard work again.

I have been teaching this son of mine that before he loves others like he loves himself; he needs to know how to love himself first.

If you don’t know how to take care of your body, how would you find strength to take care of others?

If you are not strong enough to stand on your own legs, how would you carry others? Besides, you neglect to take care of the Heavenly Father’s temple. It is His dwelling place, how do you let it in ruins?

I hope this incident will be a warning to all of you too. If you understand what I taught, you need to take a good care of your bodies and souls, making them ready at all time in order for you to have strength to continue to steadily carry the cross of your daily life.

At this time of year, all of you are preparing yourselves well to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus so on that day all of you will have great joy.

Dear children, have you already known the true meaning of the birth? Children, you don’t even understand the true intention of the composers of the beautiful hymns you are preparing to sing on that day, what they want to communicate to you.

My dear children, what does His birth in the midst of poverty teach you? How are you going to enjoy yourselves when there are a lot of your brothers and sisters facing hunger due to poverty? When it is time for you at the Mass to show love to one another, you just choose to do it to whomever closer to you.

Have you sent your love to the poor who are not lucky to have an opportunity like you? Those of them do not have cloth to cover themselves in the cold weather of this season.

I want to ask you whether you truly understand the meaning of love and goodwill I often taught you. If you realized what I have taught you, you should have been starting to cut down on the luxury stuff and return to modesty and simplicity, right?

What you save from your lavishness means a lot. Besides this saving, you can also share the stuff you don’t need in your house which you put in storage and never used it.

It will be an admirable idea if you share this stuff with the poor, so they can use it. I know that several of you are protesting me in your minds; you are already poor and got nothing to share.

My dear children, don’t use your thought as human being with heaven’s line of work.

You might not know how valuable your prayer’s power for your brothers and sisters is. I hope what I taught you last week still resonates in your hearts. Don’t forget to take care of the poor in your family first.

The poor, in this case, might be some of the rich with money and worldly goods but are the poorest who need compassion because they are poor with love in their hearts and are denying the love of the Heavenly Father who has mercy for them at this moment.

Baby Jesus is waiting for you to show your love. It is up to you how to show your love for Him.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:14 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 11:32 am

Portrait of Belief
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani
Sunday, November 29, 2009, 01:35-02:02 a.m.
The portrait you see in front of you is a virtue from heaven being displayed. You have been wondering where did the light come from and whether it is the reflection of a flashbulb or some thing human made up, right?

Ask youself, how did you feel when you first look at it? You believed and accepted immediately that it was a gift from heaven or you had some doubt in your heart. Your first impression will give you the truth.

Believe in it, if the belief makes you realize the sins you have committed and stir your heart to be more pious. You want my answer, right?

Now it is the right time for you to realize that the Heavenly Father, your one and true God, have mercy for you and is very much close to you.

Even at present time, He is still in your midst whenever there are two or more of you praying. He still keeps His promise, nothing changed, unlike humans, His children, who keep changing their promises everyday according to their moods.

I hope my answer will shed light in your hearts, dear children.

Translator: Sorry, I was unable to post the pictures on this format. They are in Mother Loves You, Book Three

Photographed normal portrait Ask your own heart
with flashbulb

(Mother Mary’s messenger: I was watching the Portrait of Belief closely while we were praying the Rosary in front of Mother Mary’s grotto.

This portrait was photographed in Thailand by a cellular phone’s camera in August 2009. Several people asked me to ask Mother Mary whether it was a miracle.

I prayed and pleaded to Mother Mary for an answer for a long time. After receiving the answer from Mother Mary tonight, I was overwhelmed with joy and was unable to keep this feeling to myself anymore.

I read the whole message to all 20 brothers and sisters who were joining me in praying at that time. Mother Mary made me realize why she did not answer, she wanted to see whether her children had strong faith or were shaky with the arguments.

I was very glad that every one of brothers and sisters said he or she believed the first time he or she saw it. With obedience, every one of us kept this personal belief to himself or herself because there was no official acceptance as a miracle from the Church.

After I finished reading Mother Mary’s message, everyone saw the Portrait of Belief starting to shine with brilliant red light coming out from Lord Jesus’ heart. This red light is getting redder and redder and there were another colors appearing in the portrait which at first there were none of them.

If you take a closer look at the three pictures I used for comparison, you will see that the light from Lord Jesus’ heart is the light came from inside the portrait itself (because the red light made His face, cloth and surrounding areas red, different from the reflection of flashbulb which will light it up and no change in the colors of the portrait).

After getting over the excitement, we joined in praying the Divine Mercy rosary with full attention until 3:00 a.m. then we started praying the “3:00 p.m. Prayer” to ask for special mercy from Lord Jesus.

There were several events happened today that made me realize that everything happened according to the will of the Heavenly Father. And at the right time, everything will happen according to His will.

I could not tell more at this forum because bringing Mother Mary’s message about this Portriat of Belief is already a controversy.

I insist that this is my personal belief, and those that were there with me.

It is true, just like Mother Mary said, it reminded me of the sins I have committed and made Him sad. This portrait made me realize the unchanging love which He has for his children. And it made me more pious.

It is a blessing for us Thai people that Mother Mary has been with us for over 21 years. And this year we were blessed to receive Lord Jesus’ mercy.

So as His children, what should we do to give thanks to Him to be commensurate with the kindness He has for His Thai children.

I have already accepted the effects of sending out this message from Mother Mary. There might be a lot of rumors about this story.

The Season of Preparation for Christmas
Sunday, December 7, 2009, 5:38 – 6:42 a.m.
My dear children, I thank you for your good will, sacrificing and sharing with each other.

How did you feel when you decided to give other what you love and like the most? It is the right thinking. This is an example of loving others like you love yourself. You gave what you valued the most and it was a beautiful gesture from your heart.

And you were happy to give the best to the deserving person.

You saw how happy he was, right? You received much more in return, a peace in your heart. Think about it. At that time, you were very happy and satisfied. And this peace could not be bought no matter how much money you got, right?

This is a special opportunity for you to show your love for Baby Jesus who was born in the midst of poverty.

Let yourself see Him in every heart of the persons you help or share with. Do not deny His love anymore because He has been trying in every way to get closer to you by going through your own relatives and friends.

Do not forget what I told you. If you could not help them with money or activity, you could give them love and good will by the prayer from your heart.

Often there were changes in your life for the better because of your perseverance in praying, right? Everything will be done according to the kind will of the Heavenly Father at the right moment when you pray from your heart. He got His own way to answer your prayers.

Do your today’s duty to the best of your ability and the rest is up to how much you trust in His will. Do not choose to do good deeds only during the season of preparation for Christmas.

I have taught you to think good thoughts, talk good things and do good things to yourself and others. You can do these every day. If you can do like this, you are well prepared at your present all the time.

You do not have to hustle to do these in the future, like those who are getting close to die and feel sorry about wasting time and realize that they should have done this all along and it is too late. Now you should understand why I taught you not to be careless.

The New Year is around the corner. All of you are expecting to receive good things, right?

Do not wait until New Year, my dear children, because you can make that possible by starting from yourselves getting ready today. Everything you wish for in the future depends on the condition of your heart on this day.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
The Voice From Mother
The Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Chanthaburi
Saturday, December 12, 2009, 6:50 - 7:06 p.m.
(Personal Message)
My dear son, thank you for enduring the pain you are suffering and offering it to glorify the Heavenly Father. It is His kindness to let you get purified today.

I heard your cry to let you free from this pain in order for you to return to your duty. Now you understand that His time is very precious. You came to realization when you could not spend His time to gain the most benefit from it.

With this reason, I have always taught you not to be careless. When it is time for you to do it, you might not be able to do it like today. That is why you are so frustrated.

Thank you for your trust in me. You listen to my voice and try to remind yourself not to use your human mind doing today’s actions. It is right for you to go over your intentions several times until you were confident before doing them.

Your decision for today’s actions is compatible with the will of the Heavenly Father who kindly allowed you to understand His will.

I see your real intention of coming to pray with me at this place. Now your heart looks pass the beauties of this world (according to human eyes).

You are able to lift up your mind to enter the Lord’s temple in your heart in order to have a conversation with me in the midst of commotion caused by people walking around to take pictures as a keepsake and the sound of conversations from people around you.

My dear son, be still with me for a while.

A Reminder from Mother
The Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Chanthaburi
Sunday, December 13, 2009, 8:06 – 8:46 a.m.
My dear children, I thank all of you who participated in the renovation of the cathedral which is a dwelling place of the Heavenly Father and I thank those who came from a long distance to celebrate yesterday.

I saw many of you marveled at the beauty and high value of my statue and took pictures with the statue to remind yourselves that once you have visited me at this cathedral.

My dear children, the beauty you see with human eyes could not compare with the beauty you will see in heaven, our real home.

I want you to overlook the beauty and value of the stuff you have bestowed on the statue. I want you to realize what you see in front of you reminds you of.

The cathedral is a holy dwelling place of the Heavenly Father.

Have you paid attention and prepared your mind well to participate in the Mass? Were you ready to receive His holy body and be holy persons suitably for having been chosen to be his children?

Do not get excited over the value of what you have brought to decorate my statue. Ask yourself what does the statue remind you of?

I thank you my children for paying me much homage. I want all of you to receive it too by starting at your heart, good manners, humility, obedience, love and goodwill toward friends and relatives which will bring blessing and honor from heaven.

I am only a lowly person. Never give me homage more than you give to the Heavenly Father, your one and only God.

I am willing to lead you to the path of salvation if you love me and want me to be your refuge. I will always be with you. Do not abandon your faith and be alert, not to be obsessed with what you only see in front of you.

The voice of your conscience will remind you to choose only what is right to do and according to the will of the Heavenly Father, your one and only God.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Participating in the Mass
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani
Saturday, December 26, 2009, 3:03 – 4: 04 a.m.
My dear children, I thank you for the love and goodwill that you have for each other tonight.

It is true just like what the father said. If you recognize what the devil’s traps are and deny all of his works, it is like you have won your own will. Refuse to fall under the power of the darkness forever.

It is right to learn how to control your will. Know to be aware and restrained when you get angry. Do not let yourself be a slave of your temper.

You must learn how to ask God to give you strength to make you strong, not following your feeling. If you learn how to control your temper in an instant and do it constantly, all of the devil’s works will not be able to shake your will.

I want all of you my children start doing it from yourself. You don’t need to change others. If you realize this, you will have peace and tranquility in your hearts because true peace and tranquility begin in your hearts first.

I want you to apply the teaching you received today, making it a reality in your daily life. Cleansing your mind and soul is very important before you ask for the blessing.

You need time to prep your mind before the Mass. Do not think that you got no sin.

Even though it is a little thing, it will make you unable to fully receive the blessing of the Heavenly Father. Do you think you are a good vessel to receive the blessing if you have not gone over your conscience, were not sorry for the sins and did not ask for forgiveness from Him?

I want you to really realize the importance of participating in the Mass. If you recognize and closely follow the holy rite, you will understand the meaning of every word in the Mass that everybody participates, from the father who is the representative of my Dearest Son and who leads all of you and to every word you respond.

Do not let this special occasion slip away from you again without your recognition to participate. You might not know that when your mind wondering around you did not pay attention to every word you respond which comes from old habit.

Do you know how much you make Him sad? Open your hearts to be the dwelling place for Baby Jesus. He has plenty of love for you. If you let it slip away, it will be a big disappointment. He is pleased to be in your midst. Talk to Him. Recognize His presence.

This occasion of celebrating the birth of Christ is a reminder for all of you to open your hearts welcoming His love and blessing to be with you. What does this poverty teach you? Those who deny Him, even though they are rich with worldly materials, are the poorest.

I hope you have received the full understanding of this matter in your hearts.

This morning you must prepare your minds well and recognize the importance of the Mass in order for you to receive a lot of blessings which He prepared for you, as long as you open your hearts welcoming Him in.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

(Mother Mary’s messenger: This pilgrimage is not comfy like the last one. Mother Mary told us that it is a reminder for us to understand the real purpose of praying and doing penance, reducing the amount of luxury that is well beyond our needs which includes food and amenities.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:22 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 11:50 am

A Teaching from Mother
Mt. Tabor Retreat Center, Kanchanaburi Province
Saturday, January 2, 2010, 4:10 – 4:15 a.m.
My dear children, I thank every one of you for good intention. Your tonight’s praying was full of attention and you tried to filter it out from your true feeling.

It was the right thing to do, dear children. You must use Contemplative Prayer (meditating and contemplating) for the real praying. You will notice the difference between today praying and your other days praying.

I thank you for your perseverance and determination to pray with me all the way up to now. Be a light for your friends and loved ones. Peace will grow in human hearts by the prayers coming out from your hearts.

Do not forget my request. Keep praying particularly for those poor souls of mine. They will return your kindness thousand fold in the kingdom of heaven.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Food for Thought From Mother
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 3:16 – 3:30 a.m.
My dear children, the atmosphere of the New Year has gone by. All of your fun and entertainment should have stopped already so you will go back to your normal routine.

The fun and entertainment are the stuff that come in your life for a short while and then go away. Nothing lasts. Are you ready to go back to the simplicity of your life?

(Mother Mary’s messenger: Mom, I am so sorry that I could not receive the rest of your message because I was so tired from traveling in the last few months. I lost my energy and slept at the desk where I was recording the message.)

Peace in the Middle of Darkness
Sunday, January 17, 2010, 5:55 – 7:16 a.m.
My dear children, it is time for all of you to be in the state of readiness at all times because you could not foresee what will happen to you in the next hour. Haven’t I taught you all the time about spending your present to be most beneficial to you?

Do not wait to think good thoughts, talk good things and do good things to yourself, your relatives and friends every day in order to prep your mind and soul to be clean and live a careful life like holy persons.

And if you can do this, you will have peace in the middle of darkness.

You must have heard about the latest disaster in which lots of people got hurt or died. Nobody can avoid death, my children. There are also good people that the Heavenly Father loves died in this disaster too.

Whoever is faithful to Him will receive salvation. This salvation is not what humans, who see only what they can touch and feel, understand. You expect a miracle which will separate you and leave you with not even a scratch from those who must die.

Isn’t that right? Are you glad to continue to live in the middle of this disaster?

Realize that this salvation is the salvation leading to the kingdom of heaven. And only your perpetual state of readiness will lead you to the eternal salvation in the kingdom of heaven.

Life on this earth is only your short journey and you dictate it. At the end of your time, you are the one who must choose which path you will take.

Do not wait for the last second of conversion because when that time comes you will fight and struggle to survive like other humans, not happy and prepared to take the journey leading to eternal salvation with peace in your heart.

Be glad that today you still have a chance to spend your day to be most beneficial so you will always be in the state of readiness by living your life with full awareness and peace in your heart.

Now everything is up to your own free will. You choose your future path.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

(Vatican City, Jan 13, 2010 / 10:57 am (Catholic News Agency, CNA).- During the general audience on Wednesday, Pope Benedict XVI made an appeal to the world on behalf of Haitians.

Referring to the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that had rocked the Caribbean country just hours earlier, the Pontiff called for prayer, solidarity and generosity to aid the victims of the catastrophe.

The Pope invited “everyone” to join with him in prayer for the dead as he also implored that God provide consolation and relief from suffering to the survivors.

He assured Haitians of his “spiritual closeness” and that there would be no delay in the mobilization of aid from the Church’s charitable institutions “to fulfill the most immediate needs of the population.”

The Holy Father appealed especially for generosity in giving to “these brothers and sisters who are living a moment of necessity and pain, our concrete solidarity and the proactive support of the international community.”)

A Reminder from Mother
Sunday, January, 24, 2010, 4:50 – 6:55 a.m.
My dear children, give thanks to the Heavenly Father for His kindness that today you are doing well, not suffering like others.

You might not understand how painful to be in the worst suffering until you experience it yourself.

Give thanks every day to Him for the food you eat at each meal, job you still have, relatives and friends whom you can feel His love through them. See and choose to remember only good things they do to you.

Forgive their mistakes like He forgives you so there will be peace in your heart and it will nourish you to live peacefully each day.

This morning is a joyful occasion for you to meet Him at the Holy Mass. Prep your mind and soul to be in the state of readiness. Going to see the greatest king should make you humble and dressed properly to pay homage to Him.

Humans change things to fit their purposes, for their own comfort only. Have the old custom and beautiful culture been changed according to their will just so to be in fashion with the trend at present time?

I want you to stop and go over your conscience before leaving home today about the purpose of going to church and whether you are ready.

Watch your own will because you are always weak with the devil’s work and happy to voluntarily go along with his traps but at the same time you are also strong to deny God’s love.

Do you see only weakness in your mistakes every time you go over your sins?

Don’t you realize that when you choose to do what you want according to your will, you are being hardened and dare to deny a loving action from God and you are using your strength against Him?

You are not weak as you think you are. Acting according to your will makes Him disappointed in you and it saddens His heart that you could not imagine.

If you do not understand this feeling, you will not be able to really feel sorry for the sins you committed. And do you dare to say the Act of Contrition in front of Him?

You have betrayed His love and your heart is hardened when you say
”O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You.” Are these words from your old habit and a duty to perform in your confession? If that is what you think, I ask you to go over it again and you will realize how far you have been away from His love.

There are a lot of sins that you think are small matters and have never thought to confess them to Him.

Look at your mind and soul closely. When your small matters pileup together how much your soul got darkened by them. It is like a white cloth that is gradually got dirty by stains with no washing and cleaning up.

How does your soul look now? How are you going to be a holy person and maintain your holiness if you neglect these sins that you think is small matter? How often did you not look at them while doing confession and while saying the Act of Contrition to Him?

He is pleased that you pour your heart out to Him. But I want you to closely look at your conscience and why you keep hiding these small mistakes from Him.

Several people might say I am an old-timer. I want you to ask yourself whether you have cleansed your mind and soul to be white enough before going to receive the Communion by your own will.

True, no human can see them, but not Him who is your one and true God. These small matters will not be able to escape His awareness.

Are you not happy and fully aware that He is in you after receiving the Communion? Can you sacrifice a little bit of your time to give thanks to Him and talk to Him instead of being in a hurry to leave the church as fast as you can to do your chores for today?

Do you only choose those you know to say hello and talk to while you show love to everyone at the Mass?

Give yourself a chance to feel God’s love from your brothers and sisters that you don’t know. He will be very pleased to see that today you know one or more of them.

Today, walk to them and feel His love in them and you will truly understand the meaning of the prayer “Our Father.”

Watch your own will and today do your duty the best you can so you will be in your own state of readiness.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

In front of Mother Mary’s Grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani
Sunday, January 31, 2010, 3:06 – 3:42 a.m.
My dear children, there are several miracles happened today if you realize and understand the Heavenly Father’s will who has mercy for all of you today.

Not too many people have an opportunity like you who willingly come and join in praying with me at this place.

If you pay a little bit of attention, you will notice that the atmosphere of tonight is different from the previous nights’ you came together and joined in praying at this place.

Think over the stuff I taught you and you will know that all of them are for the benefit of your souls. Today if you gather up all of my teachings, you will see how much they illuminate your hearts.

You have a better understanding for everything that happened in the past with the advice given to you again today by my messenger on how to do the Contemplative Prayer , right? This has been prepared in advance.

Everything happens at the right time in accordance with the Heavenly Father’s will, your one and true God.

I thank every one of you for always listening and following my advices. Today you should realize that the miracles have already happened in your own hearts, right? I don’t need to say what each one of you has received, right?

Every person who was here this evening should be aware of the blessing from the Heavenly Father given to all of you: your steady faith, not afraid of the blasting sun.

Your true intention enabled you to receive the blessing. You could not buy happiness and peace in your heart from anybody. Today all of you are happy, right?

I want you to go back and really think about the Second Reading (the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians) you heard today. You will understand more about love. And you will understand how great the mighty love of the Heavenly Father is.

You are only small human beings in His river of Love.

Children, try to use the love you heard today in your real life, make it happen. And you will know true love begins in your hearts, not from anybody.

(The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13: If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.

And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing. For we know partially and we prophesy partially, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face.

At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.)

I want every one of you remember what happened tonight and put it to use for your own state of readiness, OK.

I want every one of you realize today is your lucky day to have a chance to join each other for sacred activity to ask for mercy from the Heavenly Father for your relatives, friends and even your enemies so they will have a blessed chance like you have today.

Don’t forget to send prayers out of your hearts. Only true feeling will feel the Heavenly Father’s love. Don’t forget to pass on the love given to you by His mercy to your relatives and friends.

I want you to especially pray for your king who is most loved by the Thai people, priests, sick and poor and those who fall into sins and do not accept that they have committed sins, following the trend in the present because everyone does them.

My dear children, is it necessary to have your souls dirty in order to be like others in the society? Those people do not know what they will face in the life after death.

My dear children, I want you to especially pray harder for the suffering souls in the purgatory who see their sins in front of them but do not have any opportunity to make atonement for those sins by doing sacred activities or good deeds.

Do not wait any more. Make today the state of your readiness. (Mother Mary’s messenger: Look at the souls in the purgatory as an example. Do not wait to do good deeds in atonement of our sins while we still have a chance.

And spend today to be most beneficial in everything in order for us to be in the state of readiness when it is the time for God to take us home.)

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:28 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 12:06 pm

The Test
Sunday, February 21, 2010, 4:30 – 7:10 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: Even though the majority of this message is personal, I would like to share it with everyone because it is a good lesson for all of us.)

My dear son, I heard your prayers and saw your good intention to pray and fast for penance during Lent.

This is your good intention but I want to tell you the truth: do not force your body too much. Do it in moderation. Do it the best of your capability without too much strain on your nature.

I hope you still remember what you promised the Heavenly Father. You assumed that if you made a promise to Him, you would keep it flawlessly. But that was not the case, mistake happened. You were unable to keep your promise because you were sick for a long time. And it made you feel guilty.

But in the end, the Heavenly Father with His kindness told you to do it in moderation within your capability. You could not make other people your standard.

Be in moderation. You know what is best for you. Do not do it to meet others’ expectation. Remember whatever comes from Him will not make you lack of peace in your heart.

Know how to separate things.

Do not do thing people tell you to do, even though it is for the service of the Heavenly Father, if you do not have peace in your heart, that thing is not for you to do.

I am fully aware of what is in your heart. Don’t worry about my book. I want you to be obedient to the bishop. He got his own reason with rightful authority.

This is not the only way to spread my book, isn’t it? And so he refused to do it. Be obedient and don’t make him feel bad. The bishop did not deny my messages, he just objected to the approval of the book by the Church.

I already told you in advance not to be in a hurry to spread this book. You should choose to give it to those who open their hearts and deserve to get it. You are an evangelical layman.

You can spread my book everywhere and the amount will be more than the amount you have asked the bishop to hand them out for you.

Don’t be like a stupid donkey, my dear son. The road ahead is not always straight.

When you see an obstacle blocking the way, you should not use your strength for head-on collision. You will only hurt yourself. Ask for the solution from the Holy Spirit. And you will find the path that will enable you to move forward.

Your inner feeling is right about telling you to prep your mind for spreading the Contemplative Prayer (meditating and contemplating). Haven’t I told you in advance to prepare your brothers and sisters at Lamsai for the day they must go on without you?

Do not act like a baby sitter, taking care of them all the time. You must teach every one of them how to be self- reliant. The test is coming. You must be a good advisor, going to Lamsai this time, to prep them how to fish by themselves.

The love that you have for relatives and friends is admirable, but you must know how to use your love because you will not be able to be with them forever.

Do not think this is the cross that you must carry. The truth is: it is the cross for everyone to share in carrying, not only for you to carry for everyone. See through it, OK. It is time for change.

It is time for everyone to be serious about their souls. You could not be responsible to take care of their souls forever.

Now is the time to see whether your brothers and sisters know how to fish. It is not only for their survival, everyone must share the experience in order to teach others how to fish too.

Little Peter, my son, tell everyone what I told you before dinner next Saturday so everyone will understand that going on a pilgrimage must come from their real desire.

Everyone must share the responsibility from the start. It is not someone’s special responsibility.

I do not want you, my children, misunderstand the intention of going on a pilgrimage. Your comfort is the result of hard work from few kindhearted people. What happened to the rest of my children? What did you spend your time on?

Have you spent the valuable time from the Heavenly Father to be most productive? Ask your own hearts.

You might think you are being scolded by me, right? My dear children, I have to apologize to you if telling the truth hurts your feeling.

If you look at it with justice in your hearts, you will know nothing I told you was untrue. You might have some questions and want to protest me in your minds why I did not tell you in the beginning.

My dear children, now is the time for the test of your knowledge. If I don’t tell you, when are you going to be ready?

You must be little candles, lighted up for others. If you could not light up these candles of faith to brightly shine in your hearts, how are you going to be the light shining for the world?

With this reason, I have to tell you to be aware that you must exert all your strength every step of the way. There is no exception and shortcut.

Because of this, the activities for pilgrimage must first start in your hearts. If you do not have a good intention in the very beginning, your journey lacks the key ingredient the second you think like that.

And this is the real reason why your prayers are not fruitful and why you do not make progress in your spiritual life.

I want you to particularly think about praying together. Merging your hearts and souls to be one is very important. Think about why sometimes you can and cannot do it. Let go of your individuality.

It is improper for you to force others to accept you, the way you are. They have to accommodate you. Why don’t you change yourself, join them with all your heart and soul in praying along with them?

With this reason, praying too fast or too slow are not the ways to merge to be one because you lack compassion for those who must endure the way you pray. If that is the way it is, how are you going to receive the blessing? Think about it, my dear children.

Now is the time, my dear children.

Be the small candles, shining in the dark. Don’t let my teaching go to waste. You must lead yourselves and others to salvation.

With all the love from my heart and soul,

Your Compassionate Mother

Be Watchful
Sunday, February 28, 2010, 3:07 – 3:51 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: I came to Lamsai on Saturday, February 27, 2010 and brought Mother Mary’s message for Sunday, February 21, 2010 with me to make it clear to the brothers and sisters coming to pray together tonight that Mother Mary wanted every one of us practice the Contemplative Prayer (meditating and contemplating) to understand the real meaning of praying and also a progress of spiritual life.

When we can use it in our real lives, every one of us can use it to teach other people too.

Everyone should pitch in as a part of pilgrimage which is a golden opportunity for us to gather to pray for others by spending every minute to be most valuable.

Tonight was special because we had a portrait of the Heavenly Father in our midst, given by Manit (a friend of ours) for encouragement.

Before 3:00 a.m., all of a sudden, there was a dark cloud quickly moved to cover the sky, blackening it completely and it looked like there was going to be a big storm. It reminded me of the atmosphere before Lord Jesus died.

So I invited all the brothers and sisters to do the Contemplative Prayer again in order to pray the “3:00 p.m. Prayer” which we usually pray at 3:00 a.m. to ask for Lord Jesus’ mercy for our friends, relatives and all the souls in the purgatory for their wellbeing.

A moment later, the sky started to clear up. We could see the moon shining brightly and the dark cloud gradually disappeared.

While I was receiving the message, there was a strong wind bringing coolness that we could feel the whole time. Every brother and sister was calm in order to privately pray for the blessing from Mother Mary.

What I recorded next was what I really heard and was my own personal belief.

The Heavenly Father’s Message
Little Peter, thank you for being a good adviser, giving everyone an opportunity to review and think over every step of the Contemplative Prayer and for giving everyone an opportunity to take part in the real praying. You were right to remind everyone the importance of the real praying.

You might not know that tonight I have been in your midst since the very beginning. I saw the actions and intentions of each one of you. Do not be afraid. I did not come to judge all of you. On the contrary, I came to let you realize how great my love for you and other human beings is.

You might not know and able to feel it until you have practiced the Contemplative Prayer and make it your life. And then you will truly understand the deep meaning of praying.

I bless every one of you tonight. It is up to your own will for how long you will keep this blessing inside you.

Remember that as long as you keep your holiness, the blessing will always be with you. OK, I will now let you listen to your Mother‘s voice.

Mother Mary’s Message
My dear children, how do you feel about today’s test? You might have not expected that finally all of you would know how to do the Contemplative Prayer. Now it is only the practice left for you to do at your own privacy. Everything depends on your effort.

Practice more, get more result. Practice less, get less result.

I tell you the truth that if you want to be the light shining for the world, you must light up the light in your hearts and souls first. Nobody can do it for you. There is not much time left.

You must join in praying more for peace in this world. But you will not be able to do it, if peace was not yet born in your hearts.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: I was so scared that there was not much time left for us to get ready. It has been a long time since Mother told us right up front like this.

And perhaps this was why Mother wanted us to use Contemplative Prayer to join in praying in order for our prayers to be effective. Brothers and sisters, don’t be frightened with the events in the future.

I believe that the prayers coming from our hearts will surely be heard by the Heavenly Father.)

Look around and see what happens in your country and to your brothers and sisters around the world. There is a cause and effect; a source of coming and going, always.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: Everything Mother said was true. Currently, crises are getting worse and the true source is the darkness of human hearts.)

I want every one of you to be in peace and serenity. Don’t worry about any other danger because the danger in your hearts is the most terrifying thing of all.

Be watchful and not to turn into the tool of the dark danger hiding in your hearts. Be alert and constantly clean up your hearts to be pure all the time. And this is the only way to win this dark danger.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: The devil is heavily attacking every human’s heart. And that is why we see a lot of terrifyingly evil things. He does not want us to live in peace and harmony.

He tries to destroy us by first exploiting the weakness in our hearts. If everyone falls under the influence of the darkness of the heart, it will be very easy for the devil to herd them toward the kingdom of eternal darkness.

We must constantly check our conscience in order to realize how far we are off the path that leads us to our true home in heaven.)

Let Lent be the time for you to clean up your hearts and souls and to follow my Dearest Son closely. When the day of glory arrives, you will truly understand the joy along with all the angels and those in heaven.

Whatever you do for penance for the Lord will be surely rewarded in heaven.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: Mother teaches us to always live in present. So prepping our minds during Lent is something we must hurry up to do. We must prep our minds to be in the state of readiness all the time so we will not be wobbly, regardless of what happens.

What Mother told us is whatever we do as a penance offering to Lord Jesus will be surely rewarded in heaven.)

Who told you that going to heaven is hard? It is not true! It is up to your own will whether you have chosen the path leading to heaven in each day, each hour and each minute.

The first thing you will feel is heaven in your hearts if you have peace and tranquility and not being anxious.

So that is how you feel heaven in your hearts. By the same token, if you are anxious, full of jealousy, being vengeful and want only to rake in profit for yourselves without thinking about others’ hardship, you have brought the fire of hell to burn up your own hearts.

So, do you see that you are the ones who control your own lives? I hope that when you go home you will remember well what I told you.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:36 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 12:17 pm

The Power of Prayer
Sunday, March 7, 2010, 5:55 – 6:42 a.m.
There is not much time left for prepping your hearts and minds during Lent. I want to see every one of you, my children, fully understand the purpose of good preparation of the heart and mind.

Stop, back off and convert in order to prep your souls to be in the perpetual state of readiness for the glorious resurrection with my Dearest Son. Not much time left, my dear children.

No more looking at other people’s sins and mistakes. This is the time for you to be alert and take care of your souls in order to be in the state of readiness. Defeat the darkness in your hearts now.

My dear children, there is a crisis happening in your country. The darkness in your hearts is making you comfortable with the events happening in every day. It is not too late for you to pray together for your homeland.

Children, offer your country to me. Your prayers, together, mean a lot to the survival of your homeland. It is your responsibility. Only the power of prayer will bring peace back to your homeland.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

I Am so Sad
Friday, March 19, 2010, 4:45 – 5:25 a.m.
(Mother Mary’s messenger: I read this message over and over since the day I received it because I was afraid that I might remembered the situation in our country reported by the media and subconsciously saved it and wrote about it.

I was hesitant to pass on this message because I did not want to send out any message that did not belong to Mother Mary. But as days went by, the message became much clearer. And I have not received any message from Mother Mary up until now.

So I believe that it is time to send out this message with great confidence that Mother Mary wants to tell every one of us Thai Christians the content of the message.)

My dear children, a crisis is happening in your friends and relatives’ hearts. Fighting to destroy each other is not the right way to peacefully solve the problem.

I am so sad that you children forget your great benefactor. Do your hearts no longer have loyalty to your king?

The darkness in your hearts make you want only the possession of power to be able to do whatever you want with no regard to the destructive effect on your own country.

How long have the darkness been consuming your hearts? You have not been paying attention.

Stop and think what caused the fall of kingdoms in the past because history is about to repeat itself.

There are more disasters coming your way. If you do not love each other, it will be very hard to timely resolve the crises.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: These words make me realize that there might be disasters in the future that are worse than current political crisis.

Only love and unity from everyone will be able to soften the impact of what will happen in the future.

But look, there is already a division in our homeland. Where are we going to find time to get ready for the disasters heading our way in the future?

Mother Mary already warned us that it might be too late if we continue to behave like this. Because of these words, I was afraid to immediately send out this message.

I did not want to scare everybody. If we listen to Mother Mary’s teaching, we might timely receive comfort from the Heavenly Father.)

My dear children, you are not serious about praying together for your homeland now because at your present you do not see the benefit of it.

Children, during the last part of Lent, convert and do your Christian duty to be the light for your homeland.

With love from all my heart and soul,

Your Compassionate Mother

(Mother Mary’s messenger: Notice that Mother Mary did not give the blessing “May peace be with you” like she did every time in the past.

She knows that at present her children do whatever they want to get what they want and peace could not happen in their hearts.

So she skipped this blessing and used “With love from all my heart and soul” to tell us how much she loves us her Thai children.)

Wake Up
Sunday, March 28, 2010, 3:05 – 3:30 a.m.
My dear children, the truth I gave you is getting clearer every day. Now you must realize that a crisis is happening in this land.

Humans have been enticed by evil spirit. Selfishness for their own benefit has been brought to use in several ways. Haven’t you caught on, my children? Look, what is happening in your homeland? Why doesn’t the person who lost benefit give up for the benefit and peace of his fellow countrymen? Think about it. Why did he act like this?

I am sad that my children are captivated by the trap of this evil spirit. You are destroying your homeland. The fall already happened in your hearts. How much more do you want me to lose my tear before you stop causing the crisis?

This is only the beginning. More crises are coming. Where will you find time to get ready and to prevent them from happening? If you still hate each other, wanting to destroy each other like this, how can peace happen in this land?

Do you want to use this large crowd to change everything you want, when you my children acquire arrogance and mischief with a large crowd like this? Is the act of large crowd okay and just?

Wake up, my dear children. You are being enticed by misleading words. Do you believe that there is faithfulness from the evil spirit, if you have finished destroying each other, you will get what it has promised you?

My dear children, wake up. Even with a prayer from only one of your hearts for your homeland, the Heavenly Father will listen to it.

If you do not want to see the fall of your homeland, pray together for your country. This time you must be sincere. You must pay attention to every word you will pray in order for the prayer to have enough power to soften the impact of crises, according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

And that is why I came to teach you the Contemplative Prayer because the prayers that come out from your hearts have power and are loud enough for the Heavenly Father to have mercy and grant leniency according to what you have asked.

My dear children, the last chance has arrived. Do not waste your time any more. Pray for your homeland.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Time to Show Your Action
Sawang Resort, Khao Yoi, Petchburi
Sunday, April 18, 2010, 3:12 – 4:15 a.m.
My dear children, today I want to congratulate all of you for showing the power of prayer for peace and tranquility in your homeland.

It is right that you did not judge others for their actions as being wrong. On the contrary, you prayed in order to send love and goodwill you received from the Heavenly Father to them so they would feel the love and goodwill from the Heavenly Father too.

Children, you don’t know how powerful the prayer coming out from true love is. But you could feel the joy happened in your hearts while you were praying together, right?

Peace and tranquility will come back to your homeland only when all of you my children are united and get together to solve the crisis which is happening right now, with love and goodwill for the general public which is beneficial to everyone in your country, not for the benefit of any particular person.

It is the time for you to dutifully show your action of true love. You must learn how to be a giver. Give the best to each other instead of being only the receiver.

Giving love without expecting anything in return will bring peace and tranquility in your own hearts. You will be happy to see those you love happy.

At a time like this, I want you to remember the greatest benefactor of your homeland.

Only by showing the love of your country will bring comfort to him. Do not only think and keep it to yourselves. You must show it to him so he can see your gratitude.

How are you going to repay his generosity?

Don’t wait, my dear children.

Do your duty the best of your ability today to give comfort to him with true love only.

Show your action of how much you love and adore your king because thought and word still lack action to show your true loyalty.

I hope my children not going to wait and be silent power like this. Show the action of how much you love him.

Before learning how to do the Contemplative Prayer (contemplating and meditating) you must destroy the wall of your thought process. There is no shortcut, my children.

You must practice every step with no exception. Don’t accept the idea that it is difficult and you could not do it.

Be aware that it is the temptation from the evil spirit that does not want to see you having a chance to get close to the Heavenly Father or even close to me His servant.

This evil spirit will keep blocking and destroying you in every way, not letting you succeed in practicing the Contemplative Prayer. Do not accept this feeling because it is not your true feeling.

It is the evil spirit that tries to divert your feeling to stray from having a chance to get close to the Heavenly Father.

There is nothing that comes easily to you without spending your effort. You will not value whatever you got so easily.

I want you to see the benefit that will happen in your souls, focus on it. All the hardships in this world will blossom beautifully when your journey in this world ends.

Those are in heaven are waiting to welcome you to our real home in heaven with cheer and joy.

Don’t give up, OK.

I am waiting to see the success of every one of you.

May peace be with you,
Your Indifferent Attitude
Sunday, May 9, 2010, 3:37 – 4:47 a.m.
My dear son, I would like to thank you again for sacrificing your comfort and for waking up to my call at a late night like this.

Thank you for not making up a story just to please people who have been asking for my message. It is right for you to use your heart when communicating with me. And that is why you know and understand when is the right time for me to give a message to all of my dear children. And when the timing is not right, you have told them the truth that you did not receive any message from me.

It is not necessary for me to give a message every Sunday because I have already told you a lot of things in advance. What is the point of wanting to know what I will tell you today when you keep ignoring my pleas?

Right at this second, there are still many of you, my children, who have not been awake and aware of the truth I told you a long time ago. The comfort of this world has overwhelmed you so you are not worry, because the disaster has not encroached upon you yet.

My dear children, how can it be that you listen to the evil spirit’s persuasion more than listening to my warnings? It has been persuading you that there is nothing to worry about and it is okay to skip praying because there are a lot of people who have been praying for your homeland. If the Lord mercifully listens to the prayers from them even when you have not put in the effort, you will also receive the benefits too.

Do you see that the evil spirit has overwhelmed you with the satisfaction of your own gain only? Has seeking unjust profits already become a norm for you?

That is why the Heavenly Father said that human beings at this time and age know how to survive by choosing, winnowing, and filtering of what they like and what is beneficial only to them. The Lord also said that whoever does more, he will get more. Whoever does less, he will get less. Whoever has done nothing, why should he expect to get something in return?

My dear children, it is tragic if you only think about self-survival. Have the love and goodwill that I passed on to you completely disappeared from your hearts?

Wake up, my dear children because this disaster is so great. If you are being comfortable and indifferent when that danger comes to you, everything will be too late and it could not be rectified.

Wake up, my dear children. Unite and show the power of prayer for your homeland.

May peace belong to every one of you.

From me, Your Mother, the Compassionate Mother for every one of you
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:42 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 12:48 pm

Continue to Pray Together For Your Homeland
Sunday, May 23, 2010, 2:13 – 4:05 a.m.
My dear children, now everything must be clear in your hearts that the disasters actually happened. I do not want to see these things happen to your homeland.

That’s why I came to warn you.

My dear children, it must be hard for you to believe that these disasters caused by your own countrymen because they are too cruel for humans to do to each other.

Beware that whenever you let the Original Sin have the upper hand on you, you immediately open your hearts to welcome the evil spirit to get in and work inside you.

With greed, you, my children have fallen into the devil’s trap just to get the illusion he brought to entice you. So my children can do everything, even though it might be contradictable to your own conscience.

It is your own willingness to fall under the influence of the poison snake (the devil). Its’ poison has spread out all over the places and finally it came back and bit you who are loyal to it (the devil’s advocates).

This wound is too hard to heal because my children have not accepted the effect of it, still full of vengeance and blame others for the mistake. The grudge still waits for revenge.

I am so sad that love has disappeared from your hearts, only hate remains and increases every second. This is the devil’s work that is blossoming in your hearts.

With this reason, I want you to continue to pray together because this disaster has not ended. Do not feel bad that your prayers have not worked yet.

How much have you paid attention to this task? How much have you sent out love and goodwill while you prayed? Did you pray with the intention to offer love or pray because of being afraid of the disaster coming your way?

The reason you are safe is because of the prayers. Think about it, my dear children.

It is time for you to pay attention and pray together more than this. It is not for you. It is for your homeland.

Don’t forget what I have been teaching you. Make today your well- prepared day.

Be well prepared in every second and at all times. Make your present full of love and goodwill. If you could do it like this, peace of mind will happen in your hearts. You will not be swayed, no matter what happens. You will be calm and always have peace.

Don’t wait for my messages because I have taught and warned you of everything. On the contrary, I am the one that have been waiting to see when you will put it to use in your real lives.

Don’t let my teaching stay on the paper you read. Make my teaching come alive in your hearts. Don’t let my teaching go to waste. I come to warn you because I love you.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
Urgent Message From Mother
Sunday, May 30, 2010, 3:02 – 3:50 a.m.
My dear children, today is a good opportunity for you to gather here at this place. I thank all of you for sacrificing your own comfort to come and pray with me while your brothers and sisters sleeping at this time of the night. I see everyone’s real determination.

My dear children, there is no need for me to tell you what happened to your homeland because of the sake of your own gain that made you swayed by the evil spirits’ trap.

Why do you, my children, believe the lie? Is there an honor among thieves? Do you think of only what they bring to entice you? You do not realize how great this disaster is?

And this is not the end of what you imagined as a beautiful thing to see. Not yet, if you are not aware and do not realize your own shortcomings, you will be the tool of these evil spirits for a long time. The result is only disasters.

You do not realize what you did makes the devil and his minions happy. They really hate love. They were able to get in your hearts and made you destroy each other, but you my children saw only the effect on the general public.

Does justice only come from the mob’s action? How do you feel if there is someone did that to you and your own family members? Think about it.

How long do I have to warn you before you are aware of this poison snake (the devil)?
My dear children, I render my hope to you who are still loyal to your king. You must rise up and protect him.

Even though you are only a lowly citizen of this country, you can help him by not cooperating with this poison snake (the devil) seeking to destroy your own homeland.

If even one of you stopped cooperating, you have done your part protecting him.
Today I have to ask all of you who gather here at this place to be the representatives of goodness sending true love from your gathering prayers.

Do not forget my asking even when you go back to your own homes.

Pray from your hearts, my children. Your prayer, alone by yourself, also means a lot in the eyes of those in heaven. Pray and pray much more.

I tell you the truth that this country is facing waves of disaster from the poison snake (the devil). This is no longer a child play for you all.

The disaster is forming like tsunami. If you look only at the surface, you will not realize that there is a great danger hiding beneath the calm.

Whenever you are careless and not expecting, the disaster will happen again, pushed up like under a great pressure. And when the time comes, the devastating effect will be multiplied. What will you wish for, my children?

You might not have time to help even those who are closest to you because at that time you will make decision for only your own survival and love will completely disappear from your hearts.

Only coarseness and rudeness remain as the result of the poison covering the whole spectrum.

My dear children, I did not talk just to scare you. Only prayers will soften this disaster. And I have to tell you the truth that your prayers at present are not enough to change anything.

You must be sincere. You must send out your hearts that are full of love. Pray with love from your hearts. You must pray for those gone astray. You pray for them because you love them, not because being afraid of the danger that might come from them.

You must pray more than this and be more serious. This is the last thing I ask from you before it will be too late.

My dear children, pray for your homeland. This land is the birthplace of your ancestors. Don’t you love and feel protective of it?

Here is my question to you, how are you going to reciprocate the kindness and generosity of this land? Think about it. I love you my children very much, I had to come to warn every one of you.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

(Footnote: Mother Mary warned us, this time, the reason our prayers could not stop the devil’s work is because we did not pay full attention to every word we pray. We must realize whom we are praying to in front of us because praying is talking to God.

We must send out the true feeling of our hearts so God can feel it. And while we pray we must focus our minds for why and whom we pray for. Good praying must be praying with love and goodwill from our hearts sending out to the receiver and is a two-way conversation.

It means we have to take time to be still and listen to God’s reply too, not only us talking and saying what we want. And everything Mother Mary said is the heart and soul of the Contemplative Prayer)

You Are the Choosers
Sunday, June 20, 2010, 01:06 – 03:35 a.m.
My dear children, I know that several of you have been anxiously waiting for this message because I have not given any message to you for a long time.

With human instinct, you have been searching for messages from somewhere else when you got no message from me, right?

Here is my question to you: Can those messages provide comfort to you?

You might tell me, in your minds, that you are seekers. But my dear children, haven’t you found me yet? You have not made all the stuff I taught you a part of your daily lives.

What else are you looking for?

If I use you own human language, it will go like this, “You have not practiced the old stuff and yet you look for something new to add to your collection.”

Let me candidly ask you: Can you prioritize and put everything to use? Able to do everything, in this case, not only means knowing how to do it but also means putting it to use and making it a part of your daily lives too.

Have you been able to do this completely?

I am aware that you have questions, human nature. What will happen? Will there be great dangers to human race? And if there will be great dangers, what will they be?

And when will they happen?

My dear children, do you want me to be a fortune teller?

Everything depends on your action only at this particular time. You are the choosers.

The Heavenly Father is and always will be your kind Father. So I want you to be aware that everything is the ripple effect of what you have chosen and done.

Do not accuse Him when bad things happen, look back and see who the source of the disasters is because this stuff just does not happen right at this moment. How long have the causes of the disaster been piled up and neglected?

Do not accuse the Lord why He does not help and lets it happen when He is fully aware of everything.

Let me ask you a question in return. Didn’t you know what you have chosen to do and not to do in the very beginning? Weren’t you aware of the result of that action and how it would turn out?

Let accept the truth. How often did you know the bad result from your action but still willingly chose to do it? If that is the case, why do you want the Lord accountable for your own action? Look at it like a person with justice in his or her heart.

Now everything is up to you to choose from. You must be accountable for your action along with visible and invisible result. And this is the freedom of the will that the Lord has given to every one of you.

If you know how to properly use this free will, it will take you to our real home in heaven (because you are the ones who choose it).

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

(The majority of the message is personal so I had to skip it and offer only the part beneficial to you, my brothers and sisters.

Please take note that Mom emphasized the importance of putting her teaching to use in real life but humans only wanted to know what she would tell them today.

When there was no news or message from her, they looked for the news or message somewhere else.)
Praying With Love
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, June 27, 2010, 3: 10 – 3:30 a.m.
My dear children, I want to thank all of you for your perseverance in continuous praying all the way up until now.

I tell you the truth that only praying with love from pure heart can change everything. The Heavenly Father listens to your prayers tonight because He has mercy for all of you.

You will understand more and get closer to Him more if you take time to seriously practice the Contemplative Prayer every day. The prayer will be sacred and powerful when it is one with His overflowing love in your hearts.

It will be the prayer that those in heaven admire.

Do not give up. Continue to practice because the Contemplative Prayer is not as hard as you think. Have trust that learning together today will greatly benefit your souls if you do not give up but continue to practice in your privacy when you go back to your homes and find time to stay still with the Lord.

I believe that all of you my children can do that.

In the future you will be the ones to pass on the Contemplative Prayer to your brothers and sisters.

Keep up the quality of what you have learned. You will be the guides for your brothers and sisters to have a chance to feel and get close to the Heavenly Father as you have today because of His mercy for you.

Do not worry about the stuff in the future, which has not arrived. Do not be concerned. Do your best for today’s duty. Your future will be in the Lord’s hands if you can do that.

The Lord will take care of and make everything happen according to His will, just have trust in Him with all your hearts and souls.

Tonight is a special opportunity given to you by His mercy. Let all of you make your minds still and receive the blessing from Him. Your great desire and intention will make you feel His blessing.

Prep your minds and welcome the Lord’s blessing.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:49 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 1:07 pm

My Sorrow
Friday, July 9, 2010, 3:22 – 4:40 a.m.
My dear son, I am now in front of you. You have real intention to ask me, on your sister’s behalf, about what she has been experiencing, right? My answer: It is the Heavenly Father’s kindness to allow your sister to feel the deep mystery of my “Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows.”

You will never understand until you take part and acknowledge why my whole life was so full of sorrows that no human being could bear them.

When I have offered myself to be the Lord’s servant, I had only trust in His will. When I suffered greatly, my heart accepted that it was His will to kindly sanctify me in this world. So I willingly accepted it.

I want you to know that during your worst suffering, there is one person who suffers more than you. I suffer because I love you my children. It is the love of every woman’s instinct.

I still suffer when my duty on earth was complete. I suffer greatly when I see you ignore the Heavenly Father’s love, my Dearest Son and open yourselves up to fall into sins.

You don’t know how sad you made me and those in heaven feel every time you committed a sin, especially when you said no to your conscience and willingly chose to commit a mortal sin.

Human beings’ sins are pitiful images. Know that at those times I was with you and understood your thoughts. I saw your actions. Think about how I felt at those times.

You often recklessly let yourselves at risk of committing mortal sins with pride that you would be able to control everything. My dear children, my heart almost broke into pieces every time I knew about your decision to willingly commit a mortal sin.

Do you know that I and those in heaven had to turn our faces away from the sins you committed in front of us? It was the most horrible image when we saw you willingly hurt your souls, down to the lowest level.

You said no to my warnings. You denied the love and goodwill of my Dearest Son.
You will never know how much sorrow I feel when you willingly choose the destruction of your own souls.

Nowadays, there are several forms of media that lure you to commit sins. Don’t you realize that these are the work of the devil? And you think that this is fashionable.

You are being enticed to be familiar with them to the point that you think it is normal, just like you need water when you are thirsty.

Don’t you realize that this stuff is taking possession of you and becoming a part of your lives?

You are erroneously deciphering my teaching because you are listening to the voice of the evil spirit in your minds. If you decipher “being in the state of readiness, making the best of today and being in the present” as the way to gain benefit and happiness for yourselves, it is not the path leading to heaven. On the contrary, you are choosing the path to the eternal darkness.

Think and realize how far you have strayed from the path to heaven. And this is my sorrow. The sorrow from not being able to stand seeing your souls dirty with sins.

You don’t know that every time you committed a sin, the devil and his minions and evil spirits clapped their hands and shouted with success that they would have your souls to be with them for eternity.

Don’t be reckless, my dear children, because there might not be tomorrow for you to convert and make up.

Have you ever realized how many sins you have committed throughout your life up until now?

Sins are diminishing the holiness of your souls. Your sins making the light of the Heavenly Father’s love dimmer and eventually it will disappear.

Let me leave you this question to ponder. Will there be anything to replace the light that has gone from your souls, dear children?

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother
The Roadmap of Eternal Life
Sunday, July 11, 2010, 5:03 – 6:30 a.m.
My dear son, I know that you have a question and want an answer to clear your heart. I will give you the answer.

You want to know whether it is the right time to publish my book, “Mother Loves You, Book III.” And if it got published, what should it be to fit the situation at present? It is right that you did not comply with anybody’s demand.

I tell you the truth: wait until after August 15, 2010, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will be the right time for the publication of this book.

I might hurt Father Wichitr’s good intention, just a little bit. Please pass the word to him that I have no intention to deny his plan.

But as you know there are not too many people among your friends and relatives who dare to be my official witnesses, putting their testimonials in writing.

And this is the habit of Thai people that I thoroughly know and understand. You like to tell each other by the word of mouth which causes the distortion of the fact and makes it a rumor, having no meaning at all.

The reason it turned out this way because you were not taught to love reading.

How many people are there who keep a diary, recording their daily life as evidence and a reminder to themselves?

If you wait for people to write a lot of testimonials thanking me as Father Wichitr wishes, when will you succeed in getting them in your lifetime? You have already realized this, right?

It is the belief that has been passed on from generation to generation since childhood about supernatural events that humans could not explain and make them cautious of the benefit and harm of those events and think that they relate to sacred things, isn’t that right?

Don’t be surprised that your friends and relatives are more interested in miracle than my teaching. If this book got two of these subjects, you already know which one your friends and relatives will read, not my teaching which can be used for real and in your daily life.

And this is one of the reasons why I did not teach anything more. I have already taught you a lot, my dear children.

You were glad when you got two of my books but how many of you have put my teaching to use in your lives.

I want to see my teaching grow in your lives. It is not for anybody else, it is only for you my children.

I only have love and goodwill for you. I don’t want to be a sacred thing to which you have to cautiously pay homage to avoid punishment if I am not pleased with you.

Do you willingly believe in the power to give benefit and harm more than my love?

At this point, I believe that Father Wichitr must understand what I have been trying to tell him. My love for him has not diminished. I understand his good intention.

But if you have to choose to do only one thing, think about the most valuable benefit. Think of the benefit for limited resource of the publication, time of everyone who takes part in preparation of this book and most importantly the benefit for the souls of all of you, my children.

Don’t waste the investment. Don’t allow my book to be abandoned and gone to waste.

You don’t know that my teaching is the roadmap leading you back to our real home in heaven. If you only read, look at it and don’t put it to use, you are still at the same place.

The Roadmap of Eternal Life must be used willingly by you, with only faith and love which will guide you to the destination.

The gate of heaven is wide open, ready to welcome all of you in. Don’t give up, my dear children. I will always give you encouragement.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

The Teaching is Life
Saturday, July 24, 5:46 – 6:48 a.m.
(I put this message and the following one next to each other because they are intertwined. I often asked Mother Mary what to do with “Mother Loves You, Book Three.” Mother told me to get ready for the work that I could do and I would know what to do when the timing is right.)

My dear son, I hear you all the time. And now is the time for you to record my message again. Don’t worry. Just get your mind and soul to be in the state of readiness.

There are several projects ahead of you. Just hurry up and do what you can for now. Thank you for keep asking me, not letting your mind decide to do the work of heaven by your own conviction.

I know that you feel uneasy because you have to be obedient. It is all right. You will know what to do when the timing is right. Have trust in me.

(Today I am going to pray at Lamsai and Mom suggested to me, in advance, what I have to do. It makes me believe that everything I will do today is her wish.)

Today is the first day that you will bring my teaching to be a part of your brothers and sisters’ lives. Do not feel bad about the amount of the books you have to use for this purpose.

See, listen and think along. This is what you have to start, from here.

You must ask your brothers and sisters what benefit they have received for their souls from my teaching today and what they want to put to use in their daily life. Is there anybody who puts it to use and receives benefit from it?

Today is the starting point for every one of you to learn together how to use my teaching in your daily life. You must start now.

My love has been kept in the book for too long.

The sadder part is some of my books have never been read, not even a single page.

And quite often, my books have been covered or under other stuff and you do not care that my love is in those books waiting for you.

Humans often don’t value what they got until they lose it. Humans have been like this throughout the ages, in every age. No change. And my love for you has never changed too.

(Mom’s love is so great. Her words, seems simple, hit home. I got all shook up and feel so ashamed of my sins.)

Remember that I love you very much. I don’t feel repulsive toward you, regardless of how dirty your souls are. I am ready to come to hold you in my arms again whenever you come to a realization and call for me.

My stray children, I am very happy when you willingly come back to me. Let my love protect you and be on top of your will in order for me to help you through the obstacles in this world and lead you to our real home in heaven safe and sound.

I want to warn you with love and goodwill to be watchful of your free will because your number one enemy will use your free will to destroy you. So don’t blame anybody when there is a disaster happens to you, you choose this disaster yourself.

You must prepare for today task. Hurry up and take care of it. Go with my love.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Tani
Sunday, July 25, 2010, 3:05 – 3:15 a.m.
(I started praying tonight by doing the Contemplative Prayer first. When my mind was still with Mother Mary, I brought out “Mother Loves You, Book Two” to be used for praying the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows.

The procedure for praying tonight has been changed because there was a preparation of the mind to meditate on the Mysteries as shown in the book and to close the eyes and visualize along too.

I told brothers and sisters who wanted to receive a guidance or answer from Mother Mary to pray and open “Mother Loves You, Book Two” after finishing each decade.

It was a miracle that each one of them received the answer they wanted even though Mother Mary’s messages were recorded by me two years ago.

The contents of the messages are in present time and fit the situation of everyone just like Mother Mary has answered their questions through the messages.

Mom told me to ask them how they were going to use the answer in their daily life, making tonight praying to have homework to be done at home.)

My dear children, now you start to understand how to make my teaching your lives.

Today is a good opportunity for you to practice here together. When you go home, don’t forget what you have learned together here today.

You must continue to practice and put it to use. I want my teaching to be your lives.

I already told you that I have given you the roadmap of eternal life. You know, you see and you understand, now is the time to put my teaching to use in your real life.

Do not give up, my dear children. At first, you might feel it is too difficult and ask yourselves why you have to hustle like this.

Do not listen to the distracting voice of the devil. Whatever is beneficial for your souls, the devil and his minions seek to destroy it as fast as they can.

Children, do not accept this feeling. Call out for me and you will be protected.

(Tonight is the first time that Mom did not critique or gave additional advice for our praying.

Mom is the teacher and mother, both at the same time.

And that is why Mom gave us a question to ponder what we did tonight that made her skip the critique.)

My message today might be simple and does not have much food for thought. Let you my children ponder the reason why. A student is not reprimanded by the teacher. A child is not scolded by the parents. How do you behave?

Be proud of yourselves. Now you have found the light and the way. Continue to march on. The light will lead you to peace and tranquility in this world.

Children, keep this virtue to be with you all the time.

Today is another day that the Lord mercifully grants a special occasion to all of you.

Come, my dear children. Come and ask for the blessing from Him.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
The Missing Love
Sunday, August 1, 2010, 7:58 – 9:07 a.m.
My dear children, thank you for preparing all the activities to pay me homage this month. If you really want to pay me homage, I want you to prep your minds and souls to be in the state of readiness.

It is not for me, it is for you. I am not going to be happy to see your big celebration from the outside but each of your soul is dirty with sins. It is true that humans could not see it.

You can hide your sins from them but I and those in heaven see what you do all the time.

Dear children, find time to rest, go over your conscience and clean up your souls.

This is the most valuable gift that every one of you can give me without buying it from anywhere else. This is what I want most. Can you do it for me?

It is a good idea that you want to do something special for me. I thank all of you for your goodwill.

But I have a question for you: What do you want between people who want to be nice to you for one special day and the rest of the year have never paid attention to you or friends who always treat you nicely the whole year but don’t have a special celebration for you?

Children, think about it.

The world in present encourages humans to seek pleasure and happiness for flesh only. There are many of you my children who have everything but still feel lacking of happiness and are still seeking other worldly stuff to fill this hunger.

If you are one of them, I tell you the truth that the thing you need to seek most is discovering yourselves. You don’t need to have a lot of money to be able to find yourselves. It is an equal opportunity that the Heavenly Father gave to every one of you.

Peace must begin in your hearts. You do not have to seek anywhere else. But how many people are there in the world at present who want to give up worldly activities in order to find themselves spiritually?

Most of sicknesses happen because you do not take a good care of yourselves and from anxiety built up inside you, isn’t that right?

There is no benefit in doing everything to acquire wealth when your health, physically and spiritually, is deteriorating. I want to leave this question for you to ponder and think over what you want in your lives.

I want you to care more about your own family members’ feelings. You have to hurry up to go to work early in the morning and come home late in the evening. How often that you do not greet them and pay attention to them but you have time for other people?

Look at it with justice in your hearts.

How long have you abandoned your parents, brothers and sisters who are your own family members? How often do you think that if they got something on their minds, they will tell you?

Dear children, you do not need anybody to tell you the time to express your love and caring feeling. It is a valuable gift that you can give endlessly.

You gladly give love and caring feeling to other people in order to receive these feelings in return, isn’t that right?

But why are you so stingy with love and caring feeling with your own family members?

Today I want only one minute from you.

Think about whom you have neglected even though they are your own family members. Dad, Mom, older relatives, brothers, sisters, husband, wife, children and even workers in your home equally deserve to receive your love and caring feeling.

Can you spend one minute for your own family members?

Look into their eyes and you will see the joy and welcome- home feeling, like you have been away from a long journey, even though you have not gone anywhere.

Today you might not understand it because you are not in that situation but someday you will be the one who will be waiting, and then you will understand the feeling of loneliness in the midst of people from members of your own family.

I hope that what I have told you today will be a reminder for you to realize how long you have been neglecting your own family members. Go back and fill up the missing love.

Go and you will know that you do not have to seek from anywhere for the love you will receive in return, you can find it in your own homes.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 1:58 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 1:21 pm

How to Honor Me
Sunday, August 8, 2010, 00:32 -01:35 a.m.
My dear children, I want every one of you well prepared for the approaching day of celebration. Children, thank you for giving me the highest honor on that day.

Do not forget to pay attention to your care providers in your own family too. Give them honor just like you give it to me.

Love must be born in your hearts. And you must always treat your family members with love first. Every family will be happy if you can do like that. And then you share this love to your neighbors and friends.

Start from this tiny speck. Don’t have to think of a plan to change the whole world.

Children, start the change at your own self first. You must know true love. You must know how to love by starting at your close family members.

And this is the honor giving to me that you do not have to display anywhere else.

Love and honor your mother, your care provider, in your family first.

I don’t think I can stand seeing a family lacking love and then seeking it from people outside the family. You sacrifice to treat other people nicely in order to receive love in return but you neglect to sacrifice and be nice to your own family.

Stop and think whether you have been preparing yourselves well to give me honor.

Today I do not have to talk about prepping your minds and souls again, right? I believe that you fully understand it. Prepping your minds and souls every day is the state of readiness that I constantly have been telling you.

My son, as of today you should be able to see how to get ready for the publication of my book. Keep going, I will tell you when the time is right. And when that time comes, tell the father that it is my idea, not yours. Humbly tell him that.

I believe that he will let everything happen according to my wish. I trust in him.

My son, do not feel uneasy. Think of me when you do this task. I am always ready to help you because you could not do this task alone.

Be still and stay with me and listen for my signal and you will understand what you should do and when you should do it.

I want to talk about using my book for daily revelation. When you got an answer from me, put it to use to be fruitful in your real life.

Do not use my book as a daily horoscope to see what I will tell you today and then ignore it the way you ignore your daily horoscope from newspaper.

I see this naïve practice of yours and want to remind you to understand the whole thing correctly. My dear children, I am not a fortune teller.

I tell you only the truth and the truth is always in present and for eternity.

May peace be with you always,

Your Compassionate Mother

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday, August 15, 2010, 1:44 – 2:34 a.m.
My dear children, thank you for your sacrifice and goodwill in good preparation, especially your minds and souls, to give me honor today.

If you understand my purpose you will realize that what I want to see most are love and peace that happened in your hearts, not only for today. It will be good for you if you can make them happen in your daily life. It is an investment worth the effort that you can see immediate result if you do it.

The more you give out your love, the more you receive love and peace in return.

I do not persuade you to expect reciprocation but it is the truth you can feel by yourselves.

Mom’s Insisting Words
Monday, August 16, 2010, 9:40 – 10:35 a.m.
My dear children, you must be eager to see what decision I will make today, right? This is human’s mind, wanting to force me to comply with your wish.

You are fortunate that my messenger refused to fall into the devil’s trap, which tried to lure him to write what the devil wanted.

I tell you the truth, today is not the right time to publish my book. Let all of you pray for my book to reach every one of my children’s hearts when they read it.

I know that you have disagreement with me in your hearts because you hold on to what I told you: After August 15, it would be the right time to publish my book.

The right time does not mean that on the 15th I will tell you what to do. The right time must be up to the Heavenly Father’s will, not my wish or yours.

Prep your minds and souls to be in the state of readiness. This book will only be beneficial for my children who understand the value of it.

If you do not want to put my teaching to use in your real life, decline to accept my book in order to create an opportunity for others that have never felt and touched my teaching.

And please pass my word to those that will distribute my book, not to hurry to pass it out. Give it to those who deserve to receive it because they have opened up their hearts welcoming my teaching to grow in their souls.

What is the benefit of choosing to give the book to only those whom you know but never opened my book to read?

My book is not stuff for collection, having book number one then book number two and book number three must also be in possession too.

Children, be very careful when you distribute my book. Use this book and make it worth your investment and labor that you, together, put into it.

I insist again that this book should have only my teaching. I do not expect you children to write to thank me because I know it is not your thing. What I want to see more is making my teaching alive in your souls.

If you want to thank me, thank me by putting my teaching to use.

These are the unfinished business that caused my messenger unable to publish and pass on the message earlier. I hope you have come to full realization when you read my explanation.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

What Did Mother Mary Teach Today?
In front of Mother Mary’s Grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani
Sunday, August 29, 2010, 3:00 – 3:45 a.m.
My dear children, today I tell you the truth that everything happens in this world has its cause and effect.

Let think about it with justice in your hearts and you will realize why nowadays there are continuous disasters happening everywhere, from one place to another and from one community to another.

My dear children, do not blame others or look for guilty parties because human beings are the ones that do and cause these situations whether from ignorance or willfulness.

And that is why I want you to stop and turn around to pay more attention to your inner life.

Regardless of how happy or sad you are if you understand how to get close to the Heavenly Father, understand His will and feel His love, you will no longer be afraid of any situation. Have a presence of mind and be watchful.

I want you to know that there is nothing the Lord could not do. With your sincerity and prayers, everything can be changed by His will. Do not be afraid of the obstacles. Isn’t the path to heaven for you?

Do not listen to the urging voice of the evil spirits that try to lure you to be obsessive and comfortable with the trend of the world in present. This happiness is not forever.

You think it is forever because it pleases you. When you do not like it, it is no longer your happiness, isn’t that right? And that is human beings’ way, getting stuck in their own will.

Currently, the more you did things to please your will, the more disasters happened. You did this because of one reason only: for your own comfort by forgetting other people.

When you thought and did like this, many ripple effects happened without your realization of what would happen. And you never thought these ripple effects would come back and haunt you too.

Do not get stuck with the beautiful images in front of you because there is a terrible danger hiding inside them and it will destroy you without your knowledge.

Today I want you to stop and ask for the illumination of the Holy Spirit to guide you.

The path ahead of you is the thing you could not see or feel at this time. Pay more attention to your inner life in order for you to have the presence of mind and to stay on the path of virtues.

Do not think that it is okay. Nobody knows your thoughts and see your actions. When you decide to do something, carefully keep an eye on it for both good and bad result that will happen.

Really think about it because nowadays you, my dear children, do not think about it.

When thing popped up in your heads, you immediately responded to it without using your conscience to filter it first. Often you could not accept the result happened even though it came from your own choosing.

You denied it and wanted a scapegoat. And how often your scapegoat was the Heavenly Father: this is a punishment from Him.

Oh, weak human beings. You are not weak as you call yourselves. You are callous and know how to pick and choose what is beneficial to you. Why don’t you ask yourselves how often you did not take responsibility of your own actions and got so mad when other people pointed out your shortcomings?

My dear children, understand the sacred truth. When you make thing happen, you must accept the good and bad result of it. Once you have chosen, you could not make any change to it.

Think about it carefully and you will know everything is up to your own action.

Today you might not understand what I said. Go back and review in order to understand it.

Once you have received the illumination from the Holy Spirit, you will understand what I have been teaching you today.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

Be a Good Worker
Sunday, September 5, 2010, 9:03 – 9:09 a.m.
My dear son, now is not the time for me to give you any message because you must do and accomplish the Heavenly Father’s work (getting ready to teach the Contemplative Prayer) today.

Carefully prioritize your workload.

There is nothing more important than serving the Lord. I have been teaching all of you for quite some time.

Today I do not have to say anything anymore. Be the good worker of the Lord, son.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ เสาร์ ก.ค. 06, 2019 2:03 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร เม.ย. 09, 2019 1:39 pm

The Day Before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:53 – 8:50 a.m.
My dear children, I thank all of you for prepping your minds well to pay me homage tomorrow. Children, thank you for still remember me. Thank you for giving me a chance to be a member of your family.

You choose what to do and what not to do according to your own feeling, which is the habit of human beings to choose according to their free will. Because of this, what you choose to do (to please yourselves most) might not be the best thing in the eyes of those in heaven who are willing to do everything according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

Study my life and you will see the model which will enable you to please the Lord with simplicity in your own heart. Do not let your free will lead your soul. You must learn to understand the will of the Lord who is just and complete with equal love for every one of His children.

Understanding the whole thing is not enough. You must learn to willingly comply with the Lord’s will and make it your life with gladness. If you have learned about this up to this level, you must be eager to do everything to please the Lord.

You do it because of the love for Him that you can feel in your heart, not because of fear for His punishment. You want to reciprocate His love with all your heart and soul and nobody forces you to do it.

You could not only be a taker; you must learn to be a good giver too. With this reason, in every one of your prayer asking for help from the Lord, you must do good deed for your soul (by helping others with your action that really shows true love, comforting words or prayers) in order to be in the state of grace and ready to receive His blessings.

Good communication means when you have finished talking, you opened up your heart to hear the voice of the Lord too. Think of how much time you spend listening to His voice each day you pray and how deep you really understand His will.

You must be strong and perseverant with virtues in your heart in the world at present.

If you let yourself go like a reed, being blown along with the current trend that hides the poison from the dark side, you might feel happy and comfortable tagging along with the worldly trend without spending any effort at this time but you will put in a lot of effort to redeem your soul in order to be in the state of grace later on, and you might not have that chance.

What are you going to choose? I leave it with you to think about it.

May peace be with you,

Your Compassionate Mother

The Last Message From Mother Mary
Sunday, September 19, 2010, 4:45 – 6:07 a.m.
My dear son, thank you for paying good attention in doing the Heavenly Father’s work. And the important part is you have learned more on how to live in accordance with His will.

If you look back, you will see that I have been prepared you for this task a long time ago.

Now your soul is strong enough to be the Lord’s worker. Nothing is an accident, son, because everything has been dictated even before you were born. Have you not wondered why I chose you instead of others?

Even though you are not perfect with all the virtues and wholesomeness and have many flaws and drawbacks, you have one thing that nobody got: the willingness to give up your will. And that is why I asked from the very beginning for your willingness whether you wanted to do this work.

Your belief is simple and straight forward, easy to see through. Your soul is like a child when you are in front of me but at the same time you are mischievous, smart-alecky and stubborn with me.

That is right, you are not perfect, son. But when you volunteered for the job, it was my responsibility to mold you anew and get you ready for the Heavenly Father’s work in the future. Look at yourself and see how much you have changed.

I heard the sound of your thanksgiving echoing in your heart. And because of my love for you, I was always tolerant of your behavior. I often felt sad because of actions from your stubbornness. But when you cried with sorrow, I had to forgive you.

Is there a mother who will not forgive her child, her own flesh and blood?

Now you must realize that I have created you with my love. It took me a long time to make my work known to other people.

You have special characteristics that differ from others: honesty and loyalty. You have trust with no doubt, like a dog trusts its master. Once it trusts him, it will only listen to him, the master.

When you received an order for a task, you carried it out with loyalty and with all your heart and soul.

(I went to the Sunday Morning Mass, September 19, 2010, and heard the Gospel of Luke 13,”No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

Mother Mary taught me about loyalty even before I went to the Mass.)

These characteristics make you different from others who think of themselves first and do not let things happen according to the will of the Heavenly Father. They resist the Lord and choose to live their lives according to their own feelings.

So, it is not a surprise that they have time for the Lord only when they have spare time after finishing their chores. They give number one priority to the worldly tasks and give the last priority to sacred activities and the love for the Lord.

My Little Peter, it is time for me to offer you to be the Lord’s servant. Be joyful. You have everything required for the task. You need to continue to practice on how to live according to His will only. I believe you can do it.

I am not hiding and going away from you. I am still in your heart and always will be.

(When I wrote to this point, my tears started to roll down my cheeks profusely. I felt like from now on I would miss the most important thing in my life. I did not cry because I felt sorry that when I am not Mother Mary’s messenger, I would go back to live a normal life like other people.

I cried because of the shock. It was too fast for me to get ready for it. I longed for the time that I did not get close to Mom as I should have been.

If I knew that this day would come, I would have spent all of my time with her, not missing even a minute of it.)

I know that you want to ask me whether I have any message for your friends, brothers and sisters. I tell you the truth that all of my tasks have already been complete in you. I have taught you with love for a long time, long enough for you not to get excited with my teaching anymore.

This is my last request: Put my teaching to use and make it your life. From now on I will give you my message only when it is necessary to do so.

Let all of you my dear children know that I, your Mother, love you very much. My
Little Peter, don’t cry, my dear son. This is not a goodbye. This is your new beginning in the hands of the Heavenly Father.

(Even though Mom has been comforting me, I cried harder than before. The time for me to leave Mom whom I love most has arrived. What should I do? No wonder, lately Mom left me to prep the work of the Contemplative Prayer most of the time. Mom gradually reduced her role, but I was not aware of it.)

I am so lowly. I have done my job as your baby-sitter right up until today. My job is complete, dear son. Continue to march forward. Continue to march in the Lord’s will.

I, your Mother, love you.

(My gracious Mom is so humble. I do not know how to thank her for putting up with me being wishy-washy and taking care of my soul the last six years and up until today.

The name “Little Peter” will remind me every time I think of her calling me with tenderness. I cried my heart out when Mom said the last word “I, your Mother, love you.”

It is the name of this book which the father kindly gave it to me.

I did not hear Mom said anything after this. It made me realize that Mom’s book has completely finished. I felt like having nobody to count on. I called the two fathers to give them the news but I could not get in touch with them.

I called my best friend but could not reach her, too. I kept crying.

And finally I tried to call them again. One of the fathers answered the phone. I read him Mother Mary’s message and started to cry before finishing it. I told him that Mother Mary’s messages have ended.

When I was calm down, I took my time to ask him what I should do next. His advice opened up my eyes. Mother Mary did not leave me the way I thought. Mother Mary is still with me in the Holy Trinity inside my heart.

Mom just reduced her role so I can work directly for my Merciful Father. It made sense but at that time I was inconsolable, just wanted to cry only. I thought of another father and called him again but could not reach him. I gave up and felt so lonely at that time.

I called my best friend again and got her on the phone. I told her what in my mind. Even though she could not help me much, at least I have told her (my most trusted friend) the news.

This morning I had to go to an engagement of one of my friends but I was too confused to do anything. So I decided to go to the Morning Mass and to wait and see the father who just came from out of town.

He gave me encouragement and told me that I was like a caterpillar just came out of the cocoon and turned into a butterfly which would continue to fly according to the Heavenly Father’s will.

Today is like my birthday, born again, and I should be happy. Monday, September 20, 2010, while I was typing this last message from Mother Mary, I still cried.

So Mother Mary comforted me, “Isn’t it better for you to work on only one important task? Mom will always be with you. From now on there will be many messages claimed to be mine passing by you to touch and feel. And you will know in your heart how those messages have been cooked up.”

Thank you, Mom.

Even though I am still sad, I know what Mom taught us is always in present and forever. There will be no other messages in the world like Mom’s.)


สารของแม่พระผู้เห็นอกเห็นใจฯ Thai and English Version (Book One, Two and Three) are available in E-Book or PDF format, contact saevivat@hotmail.com for a free copy
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1258
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร ม.ค. 25, 2022 12:15 pm

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